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dbicdump - Man Page

Dump a schema using DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader


    dbicdump <configuration_file>
    dbicdump [-I <lib-path>] [-o <loader_option>=<value> ] \
             <schema_class> <connect_info>


    $ dbicdump schema.conf

    $ dbicdump -o dump_directory=./lib \
      -o components='["InflateColumn::DateTime"]' \
      MyApp::Schema dbi:SQLite:./foo.db

    $ dbicdump -o dump_directory=./lib \
      -o components='["InflateColumn::DateTime"]' \
      MyApp::Schema dbi:SQLite:./foo.db '{ quote_char => "\"" }'

    $ dbicdump -Ilib -o dump_directory=./lib \
      -o components='["InflateColumn::DateTime"]' \
      -o preserve_case=1 \
      MyApp::Schema dbi:mysql:database=foo user pass \
      '{ quote_char => "`" }'

    $ dbicdump -o dump_directory=./lib \
      -o components='["InflateColumn::DateTime"]' \
      MyApp::Schema 'dbi:mysql:database=foo;host=domain.tld;port=3306' \
      user pass

On Windows that would be:

    $ dbicdump -o dump_directory=.\lib ^
      -o components="[q{InflateColumn::DateTime}]" ^
      -o preserve_case=1 ^
      MyApp::Schema dbi:mysql:database=foo user pass ^
      "{ quote_char => q{`} }"

Configuration files must have schema_class and connect_info sections, an example of a general config file is as follows:

    schema_class MyApp::Schema

    lib /extra/perl/libs

    # connection string
        dsn     dbi:mysql:example
        user    root
        pass    secret

    # dbic loader options
        dump_directory ./lib
        components     InflateColumn::DateTime
        components     TimeStamp

Using a config file requires Config::Any installed.

The optional lib key is equivalent to the -I option.


Dbicdump generates a DBIx::Class schema using "make_schema_at" in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader and dumps it to disk.

You can pass any DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base constructor option using -o <option>=<value>. For convenience, option names will have - replaced with _ and values that look like references or quote-like operators will be eval-ed before being passed to the constructor.

The dump_directory option defaults to the current directory if not specified.

See Also

DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader, DBIx::Class.


See "AUTHORS" in DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


2024-01-25 perl v5.38.2 User Contributed Perl Documentation