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curvecpmakekey - Man Page

Message-handling programs


curvecpmakekey [keydir]  


This manual page documents briefly the   CurveCP commands.

A traditional UNIX-style server such as ftpd handles just   one network connection, reading input from stdin and writing output  to stdout. A "superserver" such as inetd or tcpserver listens for   network connections and starts a separate server process for   each connection.

curvecpmakekey creates keys needed for   curvecpclient can use programs other than   curvecpserver.


How to use curvecpmakekey:


a directory where CurveCP keys are going to be created. The direcoty must not exists before keys creation.

See Also

curvecpserver (1), curvecpclient (1), curvecpprintkey (1), inetd (8), tcpserver (1).


This manual page was written by Sergiusz Pawlowicz debian@pawlowicz.name for  the Debian system (and may be used by others). The source  of this page is a webpage http://curvecp.org/ .  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this  document under public domain.

This manual page was rewritten for the Debian distribution  because the original program does not have a manual page.

Referenced By
