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csvstat - Man Page

csvstat Documentation

Examples (TL;DR)


Prints descriptive statistics for all columns in a CSV file. Will intelligently determine the type of each column and then print analysis relevant to that type (ranges for dates, mean and median for integers, etc.):

usage: csvstat [-h] [-d DELIMITER] [-t] [-q QUOTECHAR] [-u {0,1,2,3}] [-b]
               [-p ESCAPECHAR] [-z FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT] [-e ENCODING] [-S] [-H]
               [-K SKIP_LINES] [-v] [-l] [--zero] [-V] [--csv] [-n]
               [-c COLUMNS] [--type] [--nulls] [--unique] [--min] [--max]
               [--sum] [--mean] [--median] [--stdev] [--len] [--freq]
               [--freq-count FREQ_COUNT] [--count]  [--decimal-format DECIMAL_FORMAT]
               [-G] [-y SNIFF_LIMIT]

Print descriptive statistics for each column in a CSV file.

positional arguments:
  FILE                  The CSV file to operate on. If omitted, will accept
                        input as piped data via STDIN.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --csv                 Output results as a CSV, rather than text.
  -n, --names           Display column names and indices from the input CSV
                        and exit.
  -c COLUMNS, --columns COLUMNS
                        A comma-separated list of column indices, names or
                        ranges to be examined, e.g. "1,id,3-5". Defaults to
                        all columns.
  --type                Only output data type.
  --nulls               Only output whether columns contains nulls.
  --unique              Only output counts of unique values.
  --min                 Only output smallest values.
  --max                 Only output largest values.
  --sum                 Only output sums.
  --mean                Only output means.
  --median              Only output medians.
  --stdev               Only output standard deviations.
  --len                 Only output the length of the longest values.
  --freq                Only output lists of frequent values.
  --freq-count FREQ_COUNT
                        The maximum number of frequent values to display.
  --count               Only output total row count.
  --decimal-format DECIMAL_FORMAT
                        %-format specification for printing decimal numbers.
                        Defaults to locale-specific formatting with "%.3f".
  -G, --no-grouping-separator
                        Do not use grouping separators in decimal numbers.
  -y SNIFF_LIMIT, --snifflimit SNIFF_LIMIT
                        Limit CSV dialect sniffing to the specified number of
                        bytes. Specify "0" to disable sniffing.

See also: Arguments common to all tools.


Basic use:

csvstat examples/realdata/FY09_EDU_Recipients_by_State.csv

When an statistic name is passed, only that stat will be printed:

csvstat --min examples/realdata/FY09_EDU_Recipients_by_State.csv

    1. State Name: None
    2. State Abbreviate: None
    3. Code: 1
    4. Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty: 435
    5. Montgomery GI Bill- Selective Reserve: 48
    6. Dependents' Educational Assistance: 118
    7. Reserve Educational Assistance Program: 60
    8. Post-Vietnam Era Veteran's Educational Assistance Program: 1
    9. TOTAL: 768
   10. j: None

If a single stat and a single column are requested, only a value will be returned:

csvstat -c 4 --mean examples/realdata/FY09_EDU_Recipients_by_State.csv



Christopher Groskopf


Jan 26, 2024 1.1.1 csvkit