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createcats - Man Page

helps you creating your own epgsearchcats.conf


createcats [Options] /path_to/epg.data


This tool is deliverd with the plugin and should exist in the plugins source directory after compilation. It helps you in creating your own epgsearchcats.conf, if the samples in directory 'conf' don't fit your needs.

createcats takes your epg.data as argument and scans it for suitable EPG infos. Such an info is a set of a category name and a coresponding value at the beginning of a line (represented with '|') and has the form '|category: value', e.g.

 |Genre: Action

So simply call it with

createcats /path_to/epg.data

The output is a file epgsearchcats.conf, that should be copied to your plugins config dir. Before using it, you should do some customizing, since not all things in the file will be suitable to be used as extended EPG info.


The full set of arguments is:

usage: createcats [OPTIONS] /path_to/epg.data

 -m N, --minappearance=N    the minimum number a category has to appear
                            to be used
 -v N, --maxvalues=N        values of a category are omitted if they exceed
                            this number
 -l N, --maxlength=N        the maximum length of a text to be accepted
                            as a category value
 -h, --help                 this help

Some notes:

-m N, --minappearance=N

createcats counts how often a category is used in your current epg.data. If this is less than N, then this category will not be part of the resulting epgsearchcats.conf.

-v N, --maxvalues=N

if the number of values for a category is more than N then createcats will not output a value list for this category. As a consequence in epgsearch the menu item gets an edit item, that can be filled with every text. Else, the item gets a selection item, that lets you select from a list of values.

-l N, --maxlength=N

if the text length of a value is more than N, this value is not part of the value list.

Hint: Results are best, if your current EPG is as big as possible. So update it, if you are using an external EPG provider, before calling createcats.

Please edit this file now, since it will contain also things not suitable.

After that copy it to your plugins config directory.

See Also

epgsearch(1), epgsearch(4), epgsearchcats.conf(5)

AUTHOR (man pages)

Mike Constabel <epgsearch (at) constabel (dot) net>

Report Bugs

Bugreports (german):




Referenced By

epgsearch(1), epgsearchcats.conf(5).

2024-07-15 perl v5.40.0 Epgsearch Version 2.4.1