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coqdoc - Man Page

A documentation tool for the Coq proof assistant


coqdoc [ options ] files


coqdoc is a documentation tool for the Coq proof assistant. It creates LaTeX or HTML documents from a set of Coq files. See the Coq reference manual for documentation (url below).


Overall options


Help. Will give you the complete list of options accepted by coqdoc.


Select a HTML output.


Select a LATEX output.


Select a DVI output.


Select a PostScript output.


Select a TeXmacs output.


Redirect the output to stdout

-o file,--output file

Redirect the output into the file file.

-d dir, --directory dir

Output files into directory dir instead of current directory (option -d does not change the filename specified with option -o, if any).

-s,  --short

Do not insert titles for the files. The default behavior is to insert a title like “Library Foo” for each file.

-t string, --title string

Set the document title.


Suppress the header and trailer of the final document. Thus, you can insert the resulting document into a larger one.

-p string, --preamble string

Insert some material in the LATEX preamble, right before \begin{document} (meaningless with -html).

--vernac-file file, --tex-file file

Considers the file `file' respectively as a .v (or .g) file or a .tex file.

--files-from file

Read file names to process in file `file' as if they were given on the command line. Useful for program sources split in several directories.

-q,  --quiet

Be quiet. Do not print anything except errors.

-h,  --help

Give a short summary of the options and exit.

-v,  --version

Print the version and exit.

Index options

Default behavior is to build an index, for the HTML output only, into index.html.


Do not output the index.


Generate one page for each category and each letter in the index, together with a top page index.html.

Table of contents option

-toc,  --table-of-contents

Insert a table of contents. For a LATEX output, it inserts a \tableofcontents at the beginning of the document. For a HTML output, it builds a table of contents into toc.html.

Contents options

-g,  --gallina

Do not print proofs.

-l,  --light

Light mode. Suppress proofs (as with -g) and the following commands:

       * [Recursive] Tactic Definition
       * Hint / Hints
       * Require
       * Transparent / Opaque
       * Implicit Argument / Implicits
       * Section / Variable / Hypothesis / End

The behavior of options -g and -l can be locally overridden using the (* begin show *) ... (* end show *) environment (see above).

Language options

Default behavior is to assume ASCII 7 bits input files.

-latin1,  --latin1

Select ISO-8859-1 input files. It is equivalent to --inputenc latin1 --charset iso-8859-1.

-utf8,  --utf8

Select UTF-8 (Unicode) input files. It is equivalent to --inputenc utf8 --charset utf-8. LATEX UTF-8 support can be found at http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/unicode/.

--inputenc string

Give a LATEX input encoding, as an option to LATEX package inputenc.

--charset string

Specify the HTML character set, to be inserted in the HTML header.

See Also

The Coq Reference Manual from http://coq.inria.fr/

Referenced By

coqide(1), coqtop(1).