condor_top - Man Page


condor_top ā€” HTCondor Manual

Display status and runtime statistics of a HTCondor daemon


condor_top [-h ]

condor_top [-l ] [-p centralmanagerhostname[:portname]] [-n name] [-d delay] [-c columnset] [-s sortcolumn] [--attrs=<attr1,attr2,...>] [daemon options ]

condor_top [-c columnset] [-s sortcolumn] [--attrs=<attr1,attr2,...>] [classad-filename classad-filename ]


condor_top displays the status (e.g. memory usage and duty cycle) of a HTCondor daemon and calculates and displays runtime statistics for the daemon's subprocesses.

When no arguments are specified, condor_top displays the status for the primary daemon based on the role of the current machine by scanning the DAEMON_LIST configuration setting. If multiple daemons are listed, condor_top will monitor one of (in decreasing priority): condor_schedd, condor_startd, condor_collector, condor_negotiator, condor_master.

If the condor_collector returns multiple ClassAds for the chosen daemon type, condor_top will display stats from the first ClassAd returned. Results can be constrained by passing the NAME of a specific daemon with -n.

The default delay is STATISTICS_WINDOW_QUANTUM, which is 4 minutes (240 seconds) in a default HTCondor configuration. Setting the delay smaller can be helpful for finding spikes of activity, but setting the delay too small will lead to poor measurements of the duty cycle and of the runtime statistics.

condor_top can run in a top-like "live" mode by passing -l. The live mode is similar to the *nix top command, with stats updating every delay seconds. Redirecting stdout will disable live mode even if -l is set. To exit condor_top while in live mode, issue Ctrl-C.

condor_top can be passed two files containing ClassAds from the same HTCondor daemon, in which case the condor_collector will not be queried but rather the statistics will be computed and displayed immediately from the two ClassAds. Only -c, -s, and -attrs options are considered when passing ClassAds via files.

The following subprocess stat columns may be displayed (*default):


*Name of the subprocess


*Total runtime between the two ClassAds


*Mean runtime per execution between the two ClassAds


Total runtime since daemon start


*Mean runtime per execution since daemon start


*Max runtime per execution since daemon start


Min runtime per execution since daemon start


*Percent of mean runtime per execution. The ratio of InstAvg to TotAvg, expressed as a percentage


Percent of max runtime per execution. The ratio of (InstAvg - TotMin) to (TotMax - TotMin), expressed as a percentage


Standard deviations from mean runtime. The ratio of (InstAvg - TotAvg) to the standard deviation in runtime per execution since daemon start


Executions between the two ClassAds


*Executions per second between the two ClassAds


Total executions (counts) since daemon start


*Mean count rate. Executions per second since daemon start


Percent of mean count rate. The ratio of InstRate to AvgRate, expressed as a percentage.



Displays the list of options.


Puts condor_top in to a live, continually updating mode.

-p centralmanagerhostname[:portname]

Query the daemon via the specified central manager. If omitted, the value of the configuration variable COLLECTOR_HOST is used.

-n name

Query the daemon named name. If omitted, the value used will depend on the type of daemon queried (see Daemon Options).

-d delay

Specifies the delay between ClassAd updates, in integer seconds. If omitted, the value of the configuration variable STATISTICS_WINDOW_QUANTUM is used.

-c columnset

Display columnset set of columns. Valid columnset s are: default, runtime, count, all.

-s sortcolumn

Sort table by sortcolumn. Defaults to InstRt.

Comma-delimited list of additional ClassAd attributes to monitor.

Daemon Options


Monitor condor_collector ClassAds. If -n is not set, the constraint "Machine == COLLECTOR_HOST" will be used.


Monitor condor_negotiator ClassAds. If -n is not set, the constraint "Machine == COLLECTOR_HOST" will be used.


Monitor condor_master ClassAds. If -n is not set, the constraint "Machine == COLLECTOR_HOST" will be used.


Monitor condor_schedd ClassAds. If -n is not set, the constraint "Machine == FULL_HOSTNAME" will be tried, otherwise the first condor_schedd ClassAd returned from the condor_collector will be used.


Monitor condor_startd ClassAds. If -n is not set, the constraint "Machine == FULL_HOSTNAME" will be tried, otherwise the first condor_startd ClassAd returned from the condor_collector will be used.


HTCondor Team


Oct 01, 2024 HTCondor Manual