condor_token_request - Man Page


condor_token_request — HTCondor Manual

interactively request a token from a remote daemon for the IDTOKENS authentication method


condor_token_request [-identity user@domain] [-authz authz ...] [-lifetime value] [-pool pool_name] [-name hostname] [-type type] [-token filename | -file filename]

condor_token_request [-help ]


condor_token_request will request an authentication token from a remote daemon. Token requests must be approved by the daemon's administrator using condor_token_request_approve.  Unlike condor_token_fetch, the user doesn't need an existing identity with the remote daemon when using condor_token_request (an anonymous method, such as SSL without a client certificate will suffice).

If the request is successfully enqueued, the request ID will be printed to stderr; the administrator will need to know the ID to approve the request.  condor_token_request will wait until the request is approved, timing out after an hour.

The token request mechanism provides a powerful way to bootstrap authentication in a HTCondor pool - a remote user can request an identity, verify the authenticity of the request out-of-band with the remote daemon's administrator, and then securely recieve their authentication token.

By default, condor_token_request will query the local condor_collector; by specifying a combination of -pool, -name, or -type, the tool can request tokens in other pools, on other hosts, or different daemon types.

If successful, the resulting token will be sent to stdout. With the -token option, the token will instead be written to the user's token directory (the value may not have any path information). With the -file option, the token will be written to the given file (the value may be an arbitrary filename).


-authz authz

Adds a restriction to the token so it is only valid to be used for a given authorization level (such as READ, WRITE, DAEMON, ADVERTISE_STARTD).  If multiple authorizations are needed, then -authz must be specified multiple times.  If -authz is not specified, no authorization restrictions are added and authorization will be solely based on the token's identity. NOTE that -authz cannot be used to give an identity additional permissions at the remote host.  If the server's admin only permits the user READ authorization, then specifying -authz WRITE in a token will not allow the user to perform writes.


Causes debugging information to be sent to stderr, based on the value of the configuration variable TOOL_DEBUG.


Display brief usage information and exit.

-identity user@domain

Request a specific identity from the daemon; a client using the resulting token will authenticate as this identity with a remote server.  If not specified, the token will be issued for the condor identity.

-lifetime value

Specify the lifetime, in seconds, for the token to be valid (the token validity will start when the token is signed).  After the lifetime expires, the token cannot be used for authentication.  If not specified, the token will contain no lifetime restrictions.

-name hostname

Request a token from the daemon named hostname in the pool.  If not specified, the locally-running daemons will be used.

-pool pool_name

Request a token from a daemon in a non-default pool pool_name.

-token filename

Specifies a filename, relative to the directory in the SEC_TOKEN_DIRECTORY configuration variable (defaulting to ~/.condor/tokens.d), where the resulting token is stored.  If not specified, the token will be sent to stdout.

-type type

Request a token from a specific daemon type type.  If not given, a condor_collector is used.


To obtain a token with a lifetime of 10 minutes from the default condor_collector (the token is not returned until the daemon's administrator takes action):

$ condor_token_request -lifetime 600
Token request enqueued.  Ask an administrator to please approve request 6108900.

To request a token from which is limited to READ and WRITE:

$ condor_token_request -name \
                       -authz READ -authz WRITE
Token request enqueued.  Ask an administrator to please approve request 2578154

To create a token from the collector in the pool and then to save it to ~/.condor/tokens.d/friend:

$ condor_token_request -pool \
                     -identity \
                     -lifetime 600 -token friend
Token request enqueued.  Ask an administrator to please approve request 2720841.

Exit Status

condor_token_request will exit with a non-zero status value if it fails to request or recieve the token.  Otherwise, it will exit 0.

See Also

condor_token_create(1), condor_token_fetch(1), condor_token_request_approve(1), condor_token_request_auto_approve(1), condor_token_list(1)


Center for High Throughput Computing, University of Wisconsin-Madison


HTCondor Team

Referenced By

condor_ssl_fingerprint(1), condor_token_create(1), condor_token_fetch(1), condor_token_list(1), condor_token_request_approve(1), condor_token_request_auto_approve(1), condor_token_request_list(1).

Oct 01, 2024 HTCondor Manual