condor_test_token - Man Page
condor_test_token ā HTCondor Manual
Create a short-lived SciToken to authenticate with local HTCondor daemons
condor_test_token [--help]
condor_test_token --issuer issuer-url --scope scopes [--subject subject] [--lifetime lifetime] [--audience audience] [--cache cache-location]
condor_test_token generates a temporary signing key, adds it to the local SciTokens cache for the given issuer, and creates a short-lived token signed by the key. Local HTCondor daemons will treat this token like any reguluar token generated by the given issuer.
- --help
Display usage information
- --issuer issuer-url
Specify the issuer to impersonate
- --scope scopes
Specify the scope claim for the token
- --subject subject
specify the sub claim for the token
- --lifetime lifetime
Specify the lifetime of the token in seconds (default 1 hour)
- --audience audience
Specify the aud claim for the token
- --cache cache-location
Specify the SciTokens cache location
To create a SciToken with READ-level access that appears to be issued by the SciTokens demo issuer:
$ condor_test_token --issuer \ --scope condor:/WRITE
Exit Status
condor_test_token will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.
HTCondor Team
1990-2024, Center for High Throughput Computing, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, US. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.