condor_store_cred - Man Page


condor_store_cred — HTCondor Manual

securely stash a credential


condor_store_cred -h

condor_store_cred action [ options ]


condor_store_cred stores credentials in a secure manner.  There are three actions, each of which can optionally be followed by a hyphen and one of three types.

The actions are:


Add credential to secure storage


Remove credential from secure storage


Check if a credential has been stored

The types are:


Credential is a password (default)


Credential is a Kerberos/AFS token


Credential is Scitoken or Oauth2 token

Credentials are stashed in a persistent manner; they are maintained across system reboots.  When adding a credential, if there is already a credential stashed, the old credential will be overwritten by the new one.

There are two separate uses of the password actions of condor_store_cred:

  1. A shared pool password is needed in order to implement the PASSWORD authentication method. condor_store_cred using the -c option deals with the password for the implied condor_pool@$(UID_DOMAIN) user name.

    On a Unix machine, condor_store_cred add[-pwd] with the -f option is used to set the pool password, as needed when used with the PASSWORD authentication method. The pool password is placed in a file specified by the SEC_PASSWORD_FILE configuration variable.

  2. In order to submit a job from a Windows platform machine, or to execute a job on a Windows platform machine utilizing the run_as_owner functionality, condor_store_cred add[-pwd] stores the password of a user/domain pair securely in the Windows registry. Using this stored password, HTCondor may act on behalf of the submitting user to access files, such as writing output or log files. HTCondor is able to run jobs with the user ID of the submitting user. The password is stored in the same manner as the system does when setting or changing account passwords.

Unless the -p argument is used with the add or add-pwd action, the user is prompted to enter the password twice for confirmation, and characters are not echoed.

The add-krb and add-oauth actions must be used with the -i argument to specify a filename to read from.

The -oauth actions require a -s service name argument.  The -S and -A options may be used with add-oauth to add scopes and/or audience to the credentials or with query-oauth to make sure that the scopes or audience match the previously stored credentials.  If either -S or -A are used then the credentials must be in JSON format.



Displays a brief summary of command options.


[-pwd] actions refer to the pool password, as used in the PASSWORD authentication method.

-f filename

For Unix machines only, generates a pool password file named filename that may be used with the PASSWORD authentication method.

-i filename

Read credential from filename.  If filename is -, read from stdin.  Required for add-krb and add-oauth.

-s service

The Oauth2 service.  Required for all -oauth actions.

-H handle

Specify a handle for the given OAuth2 service.

-S scopes

Optional comma-separated list of scopes to request for add-oauth action.  If used with the query-oauth action, makes sure that the same scopes were requested in the original credential. Requires credentials to be in JSON format.

-A audience

Optional audience to request for add-oauth action.  If used with the query-oauth action, makes sure that the same audience was requested in the original credential. Requires credentials to be in JSON format.

-n machinename

Apply the command on the given machine.

-p password

Stores password, rather than prompting the user to enter a password.

-u username

Specify the user name.

Exit Status

condor_store_cred will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success.  If the query-oauth action finds a credential but the scopes or audience don't match, condor_store_cred will exit with a status value 2 (two).  Otherwise, it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.


HTCondor Team

Referenced By


Oct 01, 2024 HTCondor Manual