condor_qedit - Man Page


condor_qedit ā€” HTCondor Manual

modify job attributes


condor_qedit [-debug ] [-n schedd-name] [-pool pool-name] [-forward ] {cluster | cluster.proc | owner | -constraint constraint} edit-list


condor_qedit modifies job ClassAd attributes of queued HTCondor jobs. The jobs are specified either by cluster number, job ID, owner, or by a ClassAd constraint expression. The edit-list can take one of 3 forms

To ensure security and correctness, condor_qedit will not allow modification of the following ClassAd attributes:

Since JobStatus may not be changed with condor_qedit, use condor_hold to place a job in the hold state, and use condor_release to release a held job, instead of attempting to modify JobStatus directly.

If a job is currently running, modified attributes for that job will not affect the job until it restarts. As an example, for PeriodicRemove to affect when a currently running job will be removed from the queue, that job must first be evicted from a machine and returned to the queue. The same is true for other periodic expressions, such as PeriodicHold and PeriodicRelease.

condor_qedit validates both attribute names and attribute values, checking for correct ClassAd syntax. An error message is printed, and no attribute is set or changed if any name or value is invalid.



Causes debugging information to be sent to stderr, based on the value of the configuration variable TOOL_DEBUG.

-n schedd-name

Modify job attributes in the queue of the specified schedd

-pool pool-name

Modify job attributes in the queue of the schedd specified in the specified pool


Forward modifications to shadow/gridmanager


$ condor_qedit -name -pool 249.0 answer 42
Set attribute "answer".
$ condor_qedit -name perdita 1849.0 In '"myinput"'
Set attribute "In".
% condor_qedit jbasney OnExitRemove=FALSE
Set attribute "OnExitRemove".
% condor_qedit -constraint 'JobUniverse == 1' 'Requirements=(Arch == "INTEL") && (OpSys == "SOLARIS26") && (Disk >= ExecutableSize) && (VirtualMemory >= ImageSize)'
Set attribute "Requirements".

General Remarks

A job's ClassAd attributes may be viewed with

$ condor_q -long

Exit Status

condor_qedit will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.


HTCondor Team


Oct 01, 2024 HTCondor Manual