condor_prio - Man Page


condor_prio ā€” HTCondor Manual

change priority of jobs in the HTCondor queue


condor_prio -p priority | +value | -value [-n schedd_name] [username | ClusterId ]


condor_prio changes the priority of one or more jobs in the HTCondor queue. If the job identification is given by cluster.process, condor_prio attempts to change the priority of the single job with job ClassAd attributes ClusterId and ProcId. If described by cluster, condor_prio attempts to change the priority of all processes with the given ClusterId job ClassAd attribute. If username is specified, condor_prio attempts to change priority of all jobs belonging to that user. For -a, condor_prio attempts to change priority of all jobs in the queue.

The user must set a new priority with the -p option, or specify a priority adjustment.

The priority of a job can be any integer, with higher numbers corresponding to greater priority. For adjustment of the current priority, +value increases the priority by the amount given with value. -value decreases the priority by the amount given with value.

Only the owner of a job or the super user can change the priority.

The priority changed by condor_prio is only used when comparing to the priority jobs owned by the same user and submitted from the same machine.



Change priority of all jobs in the queue

-n schedd_name

Change priority of jobs queued at the specified condor_schedd in the local pool.

-pool pool_name -n schedd_name

Change priority of jobs queued at the specified condor_schedd in the specified pool.

Exit Status

condor_prio will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.


HTCondor Team


Jan 24, 2024 HTCondor Manual