condor_continue - Man Page


condor_continue ā€” HTCondor Manual

continue suspended jobs from the HTCondor queue


condor_continue [-help | -version ]

condor_continue [-debug ] [ -pool centralmanagerhostname[:portnumber] | -name scheddname ] | [-addr "<a.b.c.d:port>"] **


condor_continue continues one or more suspended jobs from the HTCondor job queue. If the -name option is specified, the named condor_schedd is targeted for processing. Otherwise, the local condor_schedd is targeted. The job(s) to be continued are identified by one of the job identifiers, as described below. For any given job, only the owner of the job or one of the queue super users (defined by the QUEUE_SUPER_USERS macro) can continue the job.



Display usage information


Display version information

-pool centralmanagerhostname[:portnumber]

Specify a pool by giving the central manager's host name and an optional port number

-name scheddname

Send the command to a machine identified by scheddname

-addr "<a.b.c.d:port>"

Send the command to a machine located at "<a.b.c.d:port>"


Causes debugging information to be sent to stderr, based on the value of the configuration variable TOOL_DEBUG.


Continue all jobs in the specified cluster


Continue the specific job in the cluster


Continue jobs belonging to specified user

-constraint expression

Continue all jobs which match the job ClassAd expression constraint


Continue all the jobs in the queue

Exit Status

condor_continue will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.


To continue all jobs except for a specific user:

$ condor_continue -constraint 'Owner =!= "foo"'


HTCondor Team


Oct 01, 2024 HTCondor Manual