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composer-cli-sources - Man Page

Manage sources


composer-cli sources ... [flags]


Manage project sources on the server

The full source reference can be found here:
Ā https://osbuild.org/docs/on-premises/installation/managing-repositories


-h, --help[=false] help for sources

Options Inherited from Parent Commands

-a, --api=1 Server API Version to use

-j, --json[=false] Output the raw JSON response instead of the normal output

--log="" Path to optional logfile

-s, --socket="/run/weldr/api.socket" Path to the server's socket file

--test=0 Pass test mode to compose. 1=Mock compose with fail. 2=Mock compose with finished.

--timeout=240 Timeout to use for server communication. Set to 0 for no timeout


  TOML source for 3rd party rpm repository without gpg checking

    id = "extra-repo"
    name = "Extra rpm repository"
    type = "yum-baseurl"
    url = "https://repo.nowhere.com/extra/"
    check_gpg = false

See Also

composer-cli(1), composer-cli-sources-add(1), composer-cli-sources-change(1), composer-cli-sources-delete(1), composer-cli-sources-info(1), composer-cli-sources-list(1)


7-Mar-2024 Auto generated by spf13/cobra

Referenced By

composer-cli(1), composer-cli-sources-add(1), composer-cli-sources-change(1), composer-cli-sources-delete(1), composer-cli-sources-info(1), composer-cli-sources-list(1).

Mar 2024 composer-cli