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cli4 - Man Page

Command line access to Cloudflare v4 API


cli4 [-V|--version] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-q|--quiet] [-j|--json] [-y|--yaml] [-n|--ndjson] [-r|--raw] [-d|--dump] [-p profile-name|--profile profile-name] [item=value ...] [item=@filename ...] [-G|--get] [-P|--patch] [-O|--post] [-U|--put] [-D|--delete] /command...


cli4 provides command line access to Cloudflare v4 API


[-V, --version]

Display program version number and exit.

[-h, --help]

This information (in a terse form).

[-v, --verbose]

Provide some protcol debugging information.

[-q, --quiet]

Don't output any JSON/YAML responses.

[-j, --json]

Output response data in JSON format (the default).

[-y, --yaml]

Output response data in YAML format (if yaml package installed).

[-n, --ndjson]

Output response data in NDJSON format (if jsonlines package installed).

[-r, --raw]

Output JSON results in raw mode without splitting out the errors and results.

[-d, --dump]

Output a list of all API calls included in the code.

[-p profile-name, --profile profile-name]

Select a profile-name from the configuration file (hence select custom email/token values).


Send HTTP request as a GET (the default).


Send HTTP request as a PATCH.


Send HTTP request as a POST.


Send HTTP request as a PUT.


Send HTTP request as a DELETE.


Set a paramater or data value to send with a GET, PATCH, POST, PUT or DELETE command. The value is sent as a string.


Set a paramater or data value to send with a GET, PATCH, POST, PUT or DELETE command. The value is sent as an interger.


Set a paramater or data value to send with a POST or PUT command. The value is based on the content of the file.

/command ...

The API command(s) to execute.


The command string uses slash (/) to seperate the verbs in the same way that the Cloudflare v4 API documentation does. Any verb starting with colon (:) is either converted to zone_id, user_id, organtization_id, or otherwise. Any verb starting with two colons (::) is passed thru raw.


The output is either JSON or YAML formatted.


cli4 /zones List infomation for all zones.

cli4 /zones/:example.com List specific zone info.

cli4 /zones/:example.com/settings List settings for a specific zone.

cli4 --delete purge_everything=true /zones/:example.com/purge_cache Purge cache for a specific zone.

cli4 --delete files='[http://example.com/css/styles.css]' /zones/:example.com/purge_cache Purge cache for a specific zone.

cli4 --delete files='[http://example.com/css/styles.css,http://example.com/js/script.js] /zones/:example.com/purge_cache Purge cache for a specific zone.

cli4 --delete tags='[tag1,tag2,tag3]' /zones/:example.com/purge_cache Purge cache for a specific zone.

cli4 /zones/:example.com/available_plans List available plans for a zone.

cli4 --patch status=active /zones/:example.com/dnssec Make DNSSEC active for specfic zone.

cli4 /zones/:example.com/dnssec List DNSSEC infomation and status for a specific zone.

See Also

The Cloudflare API can be found https://api.cloudflare.com/. Each API call is provided via a similarly named function within the Cloudflare class.