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cinnamon-settings - Man Page

Configuration panel for cinnamon


cinnamon-settings [-h]
cinnamon-settings Module [-t TAB]
cinnamon-settings applets Panel
cinnamon-settings applets|desklets|extensions [UUID [-i INSTANCE]] [-t TAB_INDEX]
cinnamon-settings applets|desklets|extensions UUID INSTANCE
cinnamon-settings applets|desklets|extensions|themes [-t TAB]
cinnamon-settings applets|desklets|extensions|themes -t download [-s Sort]


cinnamon-settings runs the graphical user interface allowing to configure Cinnamon.

It can also be used to run the graphical user interface allowing to configure a specific module, add applets to a panel, and manage xlets.


Specifying a module allows to configure it directly.
The following modules are available. You can use name or synonym.
The modules with * have a configuration interface with tabs. Each tab can be directly opened (see TAB section below).
The modules with ** need root rights to open their configuration interface. So the only tab that will always be open is the first one.

   NAME                      SYNONYMS
   backgrounds*              background
   blueberry                 bluetooth
   cinnamon-settings-users** users
   color                     colors
   display                   screen, screens
   driver-manager**          drivers
   gufw**                    firewall
   hotcorner                 hotcorners
   info                      infos
   lightdm-settings**        login-screen
   mintlocale                language, locale
   mintlocale-im             input-method
   mintsources**             sources
   network                   networks
   nvidia-settings           nvidia
   online-accounts           accounts
   panel                     panels
   system-config-printer     printer, printers
   universal-access*         accessibility
   user                      me
   wacom                     tablet
   windows*                  window


Here the modules whose configuration interface contains tabs. Specifying its name or index by the -t option allows to open directly this tab in the configuration interface.

   NAME              TAB_NAME: TAB_INDEX, ...
   universal-access  visual: 0, keyboard: 1, typing: 2, mouse: 3
   applets           installed: 0, more: 1, download: 1
   backgrounds       images: 0, settings: 1
   default           preferred: 0, removable: 1
   desklets          installed: 0, more: 1, download: 1, general: 2
   effects           effects: 0, customize: 1,
   extensions        installed: 0, more: 1, download: 1
   keyboard          typing: 0, shortcuts: 1, layouts: 2
   mouse             mouse: 0, touchpad: 1,
   power             power: 0, batteries: 1, brightness: 2
   screensaver       settings: 0, customize: 1
   sound             output: 0, input: 1, sounds: 2,
                     applications: 3, settings: 4
   themes            themes: 0, download: 1, options: 2
   windows           titlebar: 0, behavior: 1, alttab: 2
   workspaces        osd: 0, settings: 1


PANEL is the panel on which the user want install some applets. User desktop can have up to four panels.
panel1 is the first panel (panel by default).
panel2, panel3 and panel4 exist only if the user has created them.


The applets, desklets, extensions and themes are the xlets.

Each xlet has an UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier). The structure of an UUID is xlet_name@author, except for themes.

There are two kinds of xlets: System and Spices.

System xlets are in /usr/share/cinnamon/applets/, /usr/share/cinnamon/desklets/ and /usr/share/themes/; their UUID ends with '@cinnamon.org' except for themes. There is no system extension.

Spices are xlets offered by developers to the Cinnamon team, which evaluates and validates them. Complete description of these Spices can be found at https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/.
The Spices installed by user are in ~/.local/share/cinnamon (for applets, desklets and extensions) and in ~/.themes.

INSTANCE argument is reserved to developers. When an applet or desklet has multiple instances, the configuration interface of each of them can be directly opened by this INSTANCE argument. Users have neither the possibility nor the need to know the value of INSTANCE.


Possible choices are:

- name or 0
- score or 1 (default value)
- date or 2
- installed or 3
- update or 4 (upgradable Spices first, then acts as date)


The following options are supported:

-h,  --help

Print a help text describing the supported command-line options, and then exit.

-s SORT, --sort=SORT

Specific to the 'download' tab (see below) for applets, desklets, extensions and themes modules.

-t TAB, --tab=TAB

Select the tab to open in the settings. Possible choices are:
- A number from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of available tabs.
- The name of the tab (see list below).


To open System Settings:

$ cinnamon-settings

To open the printer settings:

$ cinnamon-settings printers

To open the settings of an installed applet, desklet or extension:

$ cinnamon-settings TYPE UUID
$ cinnamon-settings applets SpicesUpdate@claudiux
$ cinnamon-settings desklets photoframe@cinnamon.org
$ cinnamon-settings extensions watermark@germanfr

To add some applets on the second panel (if exists):

$ cinnamon-settings applets panel2

To open the download tab of the applets settings:

$ cinnamon-settings applets --tab=download
$ cinnamon-settings applets -t 1

To open the download tab of a type of Spices (applets, desklets, extensions, themes), sorting them by 'name', 'score', 'date', 'installed' or 'update', use the '--sort=' or '-s' argument:

$ cinnamon-settings TYPE --tab=download --sort=Sort
$ cinnamon-settings TYPE -t 1 -s Sort
where TYPE can be applets, desklets, extensions or themes
and Sort can be name (or 0), score (or 1), date (or 2), installed (or 3), update (or 4)

$ cinnamon-settings applets -t 1 -s date

See Also



Claude Clerc (claudiux) and Nicolas Bourdaud (nbourdau).

Referenced By

cinnamon-menu-editor(1), cinnamon-session(1).

2019-02-10 cinnamon manual