cidupdate - Man Page

update aliases in the NCID call file


cidupdate [--help      | -h]
         [--version   | -V]

cidupdate [--aliasfile | -a <file>]
         [--config    | -C <file>]
         [--cidlog    | -c <file>]
         [--blacklist | -B <file>]
         [--whitelist | -W <file>]
         [--hangup    | -H <0-3>]
         [--ignore1   | -i]      
         [--multi     | -M]                
         [--regex     | -r <0-2>]
         [--verbose   | -v <1-9>]
         [--yes       | -y]      


Update the current NCID call log file (cidcall.log) using the newest entries found in the alias file (ncidd.alias) and #= notes in the whitelist and blacklist files.

If the --multi option is present, the current cidcall.log file and previous call files .1 to .9 are updated.


-h,  --help

Displays the help message and exits.

-v,  --verbose <1-9>

Output information while processing is occurring.  Set the level to a higher number for more information.  Levels range from 1 to 9, but not all levels are used.

-V,  --version

Displays the version and exits.

-C <file>, --config <file>

Get the default options from <file>
Default: /etc/ncid/ncidd.conf

-a <file>, --aliasfile <file>

Get the alias commands from <file>
Default: from ncidd.conf (usually /etc/ncid/ncidd.alias)

-c <file>, --cidlog <file>

Set the input call log file to <file>
Default: /var/log/cidcall.log

-B <file>, --blacklist <file>

Set the blacklist file to <file>
Default: from ncidd.conf (usually /etc/ncid/ncidd.blacklist)

-W <file>, --whitelist <file>

Set the whitelist file to <file>
Default: from ncidd.conf (usually /etc/ncid/ncidd.whitelist)

-H <0-3>, --hangup <0-3>

Set the hangup level to 0 (off) to disable the addition of names from the whitelist and blacklist #= descriptions.
Default: from ncidd.conf

-i,  --ignore1

This is a US/Canada option only.
A leading one in an alias definition and in the calling number is ignored.
Normally an alias requires the calling number as it appears in the cidcall.log. In the US a leading 1 may or may not be provided in incoming or outgoing calls.
Default: from ncidd.conf, the leading 1 must be in the alias if it is in the calling number.

-M,  --multi

Updates the current cidcall.log file and previous call files .1 to .9.
Default: Updates only the cidcall.log file

-r,  --regex <0-2>

If regex = 0, uses Simple Expressions.
If regex = 1, uses Posix Regular Expressions.
If regex = 2, uses Perl-compatible Expressions.
Default: Uses Simple Expressions

-y,  --yes

Answer yes to the prompt for overwriting the old call log with the generated new one.
Default: Waits for user input

See Also

ncidd.conf(5), ncidd.alias(5), cidalias(1), cidcall(1)

Referenced By

cidalias(1), ncid_tools(7), ncidutil(1).

2021-01-7 NCID