cert-to-efi-hash-list - Man Page

tool for converting openssl certificates to EFI signature hash revocation lists


cert-to-efi-hash-list [-g <guid>][-t <timestamp>][-s <hash>] <crt file> <efi sig list file>


Take an input X509 certificate (in PEM format) and convert it to an EFI signature hash list file containing only that single certificate


-g <guid>

Use <guid> as the owner of the signature. If this is not supplied, an all zero guid will be used

-s <hash>

Use SHA<hash> hash algorithm (256, 384, 512)

-t <timestamp>

Time of Revocation for hash signature

Set to 0 if not specified meaning revoke for all time.


Signature revocation hashes are only implemented in UEFI 2.4 and up


To take a standard X509 certificate in PEM format and produce an output EFI signature list file, simply do

cert-to-efi-hash-list PK.crt PK.esl

Note that the format of EFI signature list files is such that they can simply be concatenated to produce a file with multiple signatures:

cat PK1.esl PK2.esl > PK.esl

If your platform has a setup mode key manipulation ability, the keys will often only be displayed by GUID, so using the -g option to give your keys recognisable GUIDs will be useful if you plan to manage lots of keys.

See Also

sign-efi-sig-list(1) for details on how to create an authenticated update to EFI secure variables when the EFI system is in user mode.


December 2022 cert-to-efi-hash-list 1.9.2