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cd-read - Man Page

reads Information from a CD or CD-image


cd-read [OPTION...]


-a,  --access-mode=STRING

Set CD control access mode

-m,  --mode=MODE-TYPE

set CD-ROM read mode (audio, m1f1, m1f2, m2mf1, m2f2)

-d,  --debug=INT

Set debugging to LEVEL

-x,  --hexdump

Show output as a hex dump. The default is a hex dump when output goes to stdout and no hex dump when output is to a file.

-j,  --just-hex

Don't display printable chars on hex dump. The default is print chars too.


Don't display header and copyright (for regression testing)


Don't show output as a hex dump.

-s,  --start=INT

Set LBA to start reading from

-e,  --end=INT

Set LBA to end reading from

-n,  --number=INT

Set number of sectors to read

-b,  --bin-file[=FILE]

set "bin" CD-ROM disk image file as source

-c,  --cue-file[=FILE]

set "cue" CD-ROM disk image file as source

-i,  --input[=FILE]

set source and determine if "bin" image or device

-C,  --cdrom-device[=DEVICE]

set CD-ROM device as source

-N,  --nrg-file[=FILE]

set Nero CD-ROM disk image file as source

-t,  --toc-file[=FILE]

set "TOC" CD-ROM disk image file as source

-o,  --output-file=FILE

Output blocks to file rather than give a hexdump.

-V,  --version

display version and copyright information and exit

Help options

-?,  --help

Show this help message


Display brief usage message


Rocky Bernstein <rocky@gnu.org>

See Also

cd-info(1) for information about a CD; cd-drive(1) for CD-ROM characteristics; iso-read(1) for information about an ISO-9660 image.

Referenced By

iso-info(1), iso-read(1).

April 2019 cd-read version 2.1.0