bufr_index_build - Man Page

manual page for bufr_index_build


NAME    bufr_index_build


Build an index file for a set of input BUFR files. Warning: THIS TOOL IS STILL EXPERIMENTAL


bufr_index_build [options] file file ...



Force. Force the execution not to fail on error.

-o output_index_file    

Output is written to output_index_file. If an output index file is required and -o is not used, the output index is written to bufridx

-k key1,key2,...        

Specify a list of keys to index on. By default the input files are indexed on the MARS keys. For each key a string (key:s) or a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be requested.




Do not compress index. By default the index is compressed to remove keys with only one value.


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NAME    bufr_index_build


Build an index file for a set of input BUFR files. Warning: THIS TOOL IS STILL EXPERIMENTAL


bufr_index_build [options] file file ...



Force. Force the execution not to fail on error.

-o output_index_file    

Output is written to output_index_file. If an output index file is required and -o is not used, the output index is written to bufridx

-k key1,key2,...        

Specify a list of keys to index on. By default the input files are indexed on the MARS keys. For each key a string (key:s) or a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be requested.




Do not compress index. By default the index is compressed to remove keys with only one value.


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September 2024