bufr_dump - Man Page

manual page for bufr_dump


NAME    bufr_dump


Dump the content of a BUFR file in different formats.


bufr_dump [options] bufr_file bufr_file ...


-j s|f|a        

JSON mode (JavaScript Object Notation). Options: s->structure, f->flat (only data), a->all attributes Default mode is structure.

-D filter|fortran|python|C      

Decoding dump. Provides instructions to decode the input message. Options: filter  -> filter instructions file to decode input BUFR (for bufr_filter)

fortran -> fortran program to decode the input BUFR

python  -> python script to decode the input BUFR C       -> C program to decode the input BUFR

Default mode is filter.

-E filter|fortran|python|C      

Encoding dump. Provides instructions to create the input message. Options: filter  -> filter instructions file to encode input BUFR (for bufr_filter)

fortran -> fortran program to encode the input BUFR

python  -> python script to encode the input BUFR C       -> C program to encode the input BUFR

Default mode is filter.


Octet mode. WMO documentation style dump.


Plain/Flat dump (key=value format).


Dump the expanded descriptors.


Print type information.


Force. Force the execution not to fail on error.


Print octet content in hexadecimal format.


Dump aliases.

-w key[:{s|d|i}]{=|!=}value,key[:{s|d|i}]{=|!=}value,...        

Where clause. Messages are processed only if they match all the key/value constraints. A valid constraint is of type key=value or key!=value. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be specified. Default type is string. In the value you can also use the forward-slash character '/' to specify an OR condition (i.e. a logical disjunction) Note: only one -w clause is allowed.

-s key[:{s|d|i}]=value,key[:{s|d|i}]=value,...  

Key/values to set. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be defined. By default the native type is set.


Does not fail when the message has wrong length.



-S subset_number        

Dump the given subset

-X offset      

Input file offset in bytes. Processing of the input file will start from the given offset.


Display this help text and exit.


Full documentation and examples at: <https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/ECC/bufr_dump>

NAME    bufr_dump


Dump the content of a BUFR file in different formats.


bufr_dump [options] bufr_file bufr_file ...


-j s|f|a        

JSON mode (JavaScript Object Notation). Options: s->structure, f->flat (only data), a->all attributes Default mode is structure.

-D filter|fortran|python|C      

Decoding dump. Provides instructions to decode the input message. Options: filter  -> filter instructions file to decode input BUFR (for bufr_filter)

fortran -> fortran program to decode the input BUFR

python  -> python script to decode the input BUFR C       -> C program to decode the input BUFR

Default mode is filter.

-E filter|fortran|python|C      

Encoding dump. Provides instructions to create the input message. Options: filter  -> filter instructions file to encode input BUFR (for bufr_filter)

fortran -> fortran program to encode the input BUFR

python  -> python script to encode the input BUFR C       -> C program to encode the input BUFR

Default mode is filter.


Octet mode. WMO documentation style dump.


Plain/Flat dump (key=value format).


Dump the expanded descriptors.


Print type information.


Force. Force the execution not to fail on error.


Print octet content in hexadecimal format.


Dump aliases.

-w key[:{s|d|i}]{=|!=}value,key[:{s|d|i}]{=|!=}value,...        

Where clause. Messages are processed only if they match all the key/value constraints. A valid constraint is of type key=value or key!=value. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be specified. Default type is string. In the value you can also use the forward-slash character '/' to specify an OR condition (i.e. a logical disjunction) Note: only one -w clause is allowed.

-s key[:{s|d|i}]=value,key[:{s|d|i}]=value,...  

Key/values to set. For each key a string (key:s), a double (key:d) or an integer (key:i) type can be defined. By default the native type is set.


Does not fail when the message has wrong length.



-S subset_number        

Dump the given subset

-X offset      

Input file offset in bytes. Processing of the input file will start from the given offset.


Display this help text and exit.


Full documentation and examples at: <https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/ECC/bufr_dump>


September 2024