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btrfs-sxbackup-update - Man Page

Update a backup job


btrfs-sxbackup update [-h] [-sr <source_retention>] [-dr <destination_retention>] [-c] <subvolume> [<subvolume> ...]


Update a btrfs-sxbackup job.



backup job source or destination subvolume. local path or SSH url

-h,  --help

show help message and exit

-sr <source_retention>, --source-retention <source_retention>

expression defining which source snapshots to retain/cleanup. can be a static number (of backups) or more complex expression like "1d:4/d, 1w:daily, 2m:none" literally translating to: "1 day from now keep 4 backups a day, 1 week from now keep daily backups, 2 months from now keep none"

-dr <destination_retention>, --destination-retention <destination_retention>

expression defining which destination snapshots to retain/cleanup. can be a static number (of backups) or more complex expression (see --source-retention argument)

-c,  --compress

enables compression during transmission. Requires lzop to be installed on both source and destination

See Also

btrfs-sxbackup(1), btrfs-sxbackup-init(1)

Referenced By


0.5.9 Marco Schindler