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bt-adapter - Man Page

a bluetooth adapter manager


bt-adapter [OPTION...]

Help Options:
 -h, --help

Application Options:
 -l, --list
 -a, --adapter=<name|mac>
 -i, --info
 -d, --discover
 --set <property> <value>


This utility is used to manage Bluetooth adapters. You can list all available adapters, show information about adapter, change adapter properties or discover remote devices.


-h,  --help

Show help

-l,  --list

List all available adapters

-a,  --adapter <name|mac>

Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address
   (if this option does not defined - default adapter used)

-i,  --info

Show information about adapter (returns all properties)

-d,  --discover

Discover remote devices (with remote device name resolving)

--set <property> <value>

Change adapter properties (see Adapter Properties section for list
   of available properties)

Adapter Properties

string  Address [ro]
       The Bluetooth adapter address (MAC).

string  Alias [rw]
       The Bluetooth adapter friendly name.

uint32  Class [ro]
       The Bluetooth class of device.

boolean Powered [rw]
       Switch an adapter on or off. This will also set the
       appropiate connectable state.

boolean Discoverable [rw]
       Switch an adapter to discoverable or non-discoverable
       to either make it visible or hide it.

        If the DiscoverableTimeout is set to a non-zero
        value then the system will set this value back to
        false after the timer expired.

        In case the adapter is switched off, setting this
        value will fail.

boolean Pairable [rw]
       Switch an adapter to pairable or non-pairable.

        Note that this property only affects incoming pairing

uint32  PaireableTimeout [rw]
       The pairable timeout in seconds. A value of zero
       means that the timeout is disabled and it will stay in
       pareable mode forever.

uint32  DiscoverableTimeout [rw]
       The discoverable timeout in seconds. A value of zero
       means that the timeout is disabled and it will stay in
       discoverable/limited mode forever.

        The default value for the discoverable timeout should
        be 180 seconds (3 minutes).

boolean Discovering [ro]
       Indicates that a device discovery procedure is active.

list    UUIDs [ro]
       List of 128-bit UUIDs that represents the available local


Alexander Orlenko <zxteam@gmail.com>.

See Also

bt-agent(1) bt-device(1) bt-network(1)

Referenced By

bt-agent(1), bt-device(1), bt-network(1), bt-obex(1).

2014-08-01 bluez-tools