bpkg-rep-info - Man Page

print repository information


bpkg rep-info [options] rep-loc


The rep-info command prints various information about the specified repository. By default it print the repository's name and location as the first line. If the repository is signed, the certificate information (name/organization/email) is printed as the next line followed by the certificate fingerprint. Then comes the list of complement and prerequisite repositories followed by the list of available packages.

This default format can be altered in various ways using options listed below. Note also that the information is written to stdout, not stderr.

If the current working directory contains a bpkg configuration, then rep-info will use its certificate database for the repository authentication. That is, it will trust the repository's certificate if it is already trusted by the configuration. Otherwise it will add the certificate to the configuration if you confirm it is trusted. You can specify an alternative configuration directory with the --directory|-d option. To disable using the configuration in the current working directory pass this option with an empty path.

Rep-Info Options


Print the repository's name and location.


Print the repository's certificate fingerprint or empty line if the repository is unsigned.


Print the repository's certificate common name (CN) or empty line if the repository is unsigned.


Print the repository's certificate organization name (O) or empty line if the repository is unsigned.


Print the repository's certificate email or empty line if the repository is unsigned.


Print the list of complement and prerequisite repositories.


Print the list of available packages.


Instead of printing the information in the human-readable form, dump it (to stdout) as manifest(s). Normally you would use this option in combination with --packages|-p or --repositories|-r to only dump one of the manifests. If the --deep option is specified, then in the resulting packages manifest the *-file values are replaced with the contents of the referenced files and the *-build values are automatically added (unless the corresponding files are absent). See also --ignore-unknown, --repositories-file, and --packages-file.


Ignore unknown manifest entries. Note that this option also ignores the version constraints in the special toolchain build-time dependencies. This option is implied if --manifest is not specified.


Verify the presence of the required *-build values/files and the validity of files referenced by the *-file manifest values.

--repositories-file path

If --manifest is specified, then save the repositories manifest to the specified file instead of dumping it to stdout.

--packages-file path

If --manifest is specified, then save the packages manifest to the specified file instead of dumping it to stdout.

--type type

Specify the repository type with valid values being pkg, dir, and git. Refer to bpkg-rep-add(1) for details.

--directory|-d dir

Use configuration in dir for the trusted certificate database.

Common Options

The common options are summarized below with a more detailed description available in bpkg-common-options(1).


Print essential underlying commands being executed.


Print all underlying commands being executed.


Run quietly, only printing error messages.

--verbose level

Set the diagnostics verbosity to level between 0 and 6.

--stdout-format format

Representation format to use for printing to stdout.

--jobs|-j num

Number of jobs to perform in parallel.


Don't print informational messages about the outcome of performing a command or some of its parts.

--structured-result fmt

Write the result of performing a command in a structured form.


Display progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc.


Suppress progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc.


Use color in diagnostics.


Don't use color in diagnostics.

--build path

The build program to be used to build packages.

--build-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the build program.

--fetch path

The fetch program to be used to download resources.

--fetch-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the fetch program.

--fetch-timeout sec

The fetch and fetch-like (for example, git) program timeout.

--pkg-proxy url

HTTP proxy server to use when fetching package manifests and archives from remote pkg repositories.

--git path

The git program to be used to fetch git repositories.

--git-option opt

Additional common option to be passed to the git program.

--sha256 path

The sha256 program to be used to calculate SHA256 sums.

--sha256-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the sha256 program.

--tar path

The tar program to be used to extract package archives.

--tar-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the tar program.

--openssl path

The openssl program to be used for crypto operations.

--openssl-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the openssl program.

--auth type

Types of repositories to authenticate.

--trust fingerprint

Trust repository certificate with a SHA256 fingerprint.


Assume the answer to all authentication prompts is yes.


Assume the answer to all authentication prompts is no.

--git-capabilities up=pc

Protocol capabilities (pc) for a git repository URL prefix (up).

--pager path

The pager program to be used to show long text.

--pager-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the pager program.

--options-file file

Read additional options from file.

--default-options dir

The directory to load additional default options files from.


Don't load default options files.


Don't remove the bpkg's temporary directory at the end of the command execution and print its path at the verbosity level 2 or higher.

Default Options Files

See bpkg-default-options-files(1) for an overview of the default options files. If the rep-info command uses an existing bpkg configuration, then the start directory is the configuration directory. Otherwise, only the predefined directories (home, system, etc) are searched. The following options files are searched for in each directory and, if found, loaded in the order listed:


The following rep-info command options cannot be specified in the default options files:



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Referenced By


June 2024 bpkg 0.17.0