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bochs - Man Page

Portable x86 Emulator.


bochs [bochs_options] [bochsrc_options]


Bochs is a portable Intel Architecture  32 (x86) emulator that runs on most popular  operating systems. Inside  the emulator,  it  can  run  many operating systems including Linux and Microsoft(R) Windows(R).


When you run Bochs without one of the following options, it will search for a configuration file called .bochsrc in the current directory and your home directory and display the start menu.


With this option the start menu will be skipped after loading the configuration file.

-f configfile

This option specifies the name of the configuration file.

-qf configfile

When you run Bochs with this option, it will skip the start menu and use the specified configuration file.


With this option Bochs doesn't load a configuration file. In that case the setup for the emulation must be done with bochsrc options on the command line or in the start menu.

-benchmark N

Run Bochs in benchmark mode for N millions of emulated ticks

-dumpstats N

Dump Bochs stats every N millions of emulated ticks

-r path

Restore the Bochs state from path

-log filename

Specify Bochs log file name


Unlock Bochs images leftover from previous session


Print a summary of the command line options for Bochs and exit

-h--help features

Display available features / devices and exit

-h--help cpu

Display supported CPU models and exit

You can override the settings from the configuration file with command line arguments, using the  same  syntax  as the bochsrc file. If you have  any spaces in your command line arguments, they should be enclosed  in  single quotes. For information on Bochs command line and configuration file arguments, see the man page bochsrc(5).

 bochs -q 'boot:a' 'floppya: 1_44=a.img, status=inserted'


This program  is distributed  under the terms of the  GNU Lesser General Public License as published  by  the  Free Software  Foundation.  See the LICENSE and COPYING files located in /usr/share/doc/bochs/ for details on the license and the lack of warranty.


The latest version of this program can be found at: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/getcurrent.html

See Also

bochsrc(5), bochs-dlx(1), bximage(1)

The Bochs IA-32 Emulator site on the World Wide Web:

Online Bochs Documentation


The   Bochs  emulator  was   created   by  Kevin   Lawton (kevin@mandrakesoft.com),  and  is  currently  maintained by the  members of  the  Bochs x86 Emulator Project.  You can see a current roster of members at:



Please  report all  bugs to the bug tracker  on  our  web site. Just go to http://bochs.sourceforge.net, and click "Bug Reports" on the sidebar under "Feedback".

Provide a detailed description of the bug, the version of the program you are running, the operating system you are running the program on  and  the  operating   system  you are running in the emulator.

Referenced By

bochsrc(5), bximage(1), ski(1).

4 Apr 2020 bochs 2.8 The Bochs Project