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bltk - Man Page

tool kit is used to measure battery life and performance under different workloads on Linux.


bltk [-hVvaNAcCBXswiIRDPGOYZyQzxul] [-t sec] [-r results_dir] [-m {0,1}] [-U path] [-g setup] [-J pid] [-T time] [-F file] [-W app] [-L title] [-K comment] [-e app] [-E app] [-p percent] [-d percent] [-o {0,1,2}] [-q file] [-b percent] [-f command] [-k num]


The BLTK can be used with various workloads to simulate different types of laptop usage.  The following workloads are currently implemented:

Idle workload

collect statistics only (mostly used to measure battery life)

Developer workload

simulates code development in Linux environment

Reader workload

simulates text reading on laptop (mostly used to measure battery life)

Playback workload

simulates laptop entertaining usage (produces constant average load on the system)

3d game workload

simulates 3D-gaming on laptop (Unreal Tournament demo is used to create this workload)

Office Activity workload

simulates laptop usage for different office activities (based on OpenOffice.org office suit)

When started, test collects platform/OS initial info and if it's OK prompts user to unplug AC adapter. After cable unplugged, workload started. During the workload execution test harness collects various system information (e.g. CPU load, battery drain, display state, CPU frequency, etc...). After battery completely discharged user should plug the AC cable back and boot the system. When it is done the results are available.

There are several tools for result evaluation. They allow creating report file for test run, to gather results into a table for system comparison, and to draw graphs for different purposes.

Results - after the battery dies and the system booted back, the results are available. They are stored in 'bltk/<wokload_name>.results' directory (or in the directory, specified in -r option). If target directory already exist the tool will add numeric extension to its name (.001, .002 e.t.c.) The results consist of the following files (see below for detailed description):


In this file 'bltk' command with arguments are stored

infoi<N>.log (info1.log, info2.log, ...)

Here initial system info is stored. Another two files (info1.log, info2.log) contains system info after AC adapter was unplugged, and on 5% battery capacity remained. They are used to check whether any changes occurred during test execution.


Statistics generated by bltk harness are stored here. One statistic line generated per 1 minute (or per number of seconds, specified in -t option).


When -k 1 is used, the system information is stored under this directory. The numbers at the end of directory name have the following meanings:


initial system info


system info after AC adapter was unplugged


system info on 5% battery capacity remained


this file contains version information


the file contains info about workload


There are stored any error messages


Contains warnings


Strings generated by USR1, USR2 signals from workload. String format is the same as in the 'stat.log' file.


when test fails





-h,  --help

Help; display a help message and then exits.

-V,  --version

Version; display version number and then exits.

-v,  --verbose


-a,  --ac-ignore

ignore ac adapter state check (on/off)

-N,  --time-stat-ignore

disable time statistics

-A,  --ac-stat-ignore

disable ac adapter statistics

-c,  --cpu-stat-ignore

disable cpu load statistics

-C,  --cpu-add-stat-ignore

disable cpu additional statistics

-B,  --bat-stat-ignore

disable battery statistics

-X,  --disp-stat-ignore

Disable display state statistics

-H,  --hd-stat-ignore

disable hard drive state statistics

-t seconds, --report-time seconds

frequency of report line generation in seconds

-r results_dir, --results results_dir

name of results directory

-s,  --stat-ignore

disable all statistics

-w,  --work-stat-ignore

disable workload statistics

-m {0,1}, --stat-memory {0,1}

dump statistics directly on disk or keep in memory, if statistics are kept in memory, it will be dumped on disk at low battery capacity, or at the test end




memory (by default)

-i,  --idle-test

idle test

-I,  --idle

idle workload

-R,  --reader

reader workload

-D,  --developer

developer workload


playback workload

-G,  --game

3D-gaming workload

-O,  --office

office productivity workload

-U path, --user path

user-specified workload (path to executable)

-g routine, --user-init routine"

setup routines for user-specified workload

-Y,  --discharging

battery discharge mode

-Z,  --charging

battery charge mode

-J pid, --jobs pid

make jobs number

-T seconds, --time seconds

workload time

-F,  --file

workload file

-W,  --prog

workload program name of player (player workload, default 'mplayer') name of web-browser (reader workload, default 'firefox')

-L,  --title

title of web-browser document

-M,  --manufacturer

enable time and cpu load statistics only

-S,  --show

demo/debug mode, one iteration only

-n,  --show-num

demo/debug mode, 'show-num' iteration

-j,  --show-cnt

demo/debug mode, 'show-cnt' sub iteration

-T seconds, --show-time seconds

demo/debug mode, debug time

-K comment, --comment comment

user comment for report

-e application, --init-prog application

run program before test starting

-E application, --init-prog-su application

run program as root before test starting

-y,  --yes

auto 'yes' answer to all questions

-Q,  --debug

debug workload (see cpu-load and disp-load below)

-p percent, --cpu-load percent

debug workload, the time cpu loaded in percent

-d percent, --disp-load percent

Debug workload, the time display on in percent

-o {0,1,2}, --output {0,1,2}

direct workload output:




file and console


/dev/null, other - console

-z,  --debug-vars

debug option

-q file, --debug-vars-file file

debug option - debug variables file

-x,  --dpms

debug option - try to use display power management

-u,  --spy

debug option - try to find out unexpected system activity

-l,  --simul-laptop

debug option, laptop simulation

-b percent, --bat-sync percent

debug option, battery critical capacity, default 5%

-f command, --user-field command

the output of user-specified command being added to statistics Example: -f "cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01/temperature | awk '{print $2}'"

-k num, --stat-system num

debug option, save system files, default 0


bltk -I or --idle

idle workload running

bltk -R or --reader

reader workload running

bltk -D or --developer

developer workload running

bltk -O or --office

office workload running

bltk -P or --player

player workload running

bltk -G or --game

game workload running

bltk -i or --idle-test -T 60 -t 1

idle test running for 60 seconds, stats interval 1 second

See Also

bltk.conf(5), bltk_report(1)


Konstantin Karasyov   <konstantin.a.karasyov@intel.com>
Vladimir Lebedev      <vladimir.p.lebedev@intel.com>

Referenced By

bltk.conf(5), bltk_report(1).

15 July 2008 BLTK Battery life tool kit