bkr-task-list - Man Page

List tasks in Beaker's task library


bkr task-list [options]
[--type <type> ...] [--package <package> ...] [--distro <name>]
[--xml [--params <name>=<value> ...]]


Prints to stdout a list of matching tasks from the Beaker task library.


--type <type>

Limit to tasks of type <type>. This corresponds to the Type: field in the task metadata and on the task page in Beaker's web UI.

This option may be specified more than once, in which case an "or" operator is applied. That is, a task will be listed if it matches any of the given types.

--package <package>

Limit to tasks which apply to <package>. This corresponds to the RunFor: field in the task metadata, and the Run For field on the task page in Beaker's web UI.

This option may be specified more than once, in which case an "or" operator is applied. That is, a task will be listed if it applies to any of the given packages.


Limit to tasks which are destructive (Note: excludes both non-destructive and unmarked tasks).


Limit to tasks which are non-destructive (Note: excludes both destructive and unmarked tasks).

--distro <name>

Limit to tasks which apply to distro <name>.


Output task listing as XML, with one <task/> element per task. This output is suitable for inclusion inside the <tasks/> element of a Beaker XML job.

--params <name>=<value>

When --xml is passed, this will cause a <param/> element to be added inside each <task/> element.

Common bkr options are described in the Options section of bkr(1).

Exit Status

Non-zero on error, otherwise zero.


List all regression tests which apply to the apache or tomcat6 packages:

bkr task-list --type=Regression --package=apache --package=tomcat6


Prior to version 0.9, this command accepted --install_name instead of --distro.

See Also



The Beaker team <beaker-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org>

Referenced By


Jul 17, 2024 29.1 Beaker