bdep-ci - Man Page

submit project test request to CI server


bdep ci [options] [cfg-spec] [pkg-spec]

cfg-spec = (@cfg-name | --config|-c cfg-dir)... | --all|-a | --forward
pkg-spec = (--directory|-d pkg-dir)... | prj-spec
prj-spec = --directory|-d prj-dir


The ci command submits the project packages test request to a CI server.

If no project or package directory is specified, then the current working directory is assumed. If no configuration is specified, then the default configurations are used. If the specified directory is a project directory, then all the packages initialized in the configurations are submitted, unless the --forward option is specified (see below). See bdep-projects-configs(1) for details on specifying projects and configurations.

A CI request consists of the specified packages and their versions as well as the project's remote version control repository URL corresponding to the current (local) state of the project. The CI server should be able to fetch these package versions from this repository as well as any dependencies from this repository or its prerequisite/complement repositories, according to each package's repositories.manifest.

If the CI server is not explicitly specified with the --server option, the request is submitted to by default.

Unless the remote repository URL is specified with the --repository option, it will be automatically derived from the version control's "remote" URL. In case of git(1), it will be based on the remote.origin.url configuration value unless overridden with remote.origin.build2Url. The repository URL is then adjusted to corresponding to the current (local) state of the project. In case of git(1), the current branch and commit id are added as the repository URL fragment (see bpkg-repository-types(1) for details).

Some package manifest values can be overridden as part of the CI request submission using the --override and --overrides-file options as well as their --builds, --build-config, --target-config, --package-config, and --build-email shortcuts. This is primarily useful for specifying alternative build configurations and/or build notification emails. For example:

$ bdep ci --builds gcc
$ bdep ci --builds network/gcc
$ bdep ci --target-config 'linux*-gcc*'
$ bdep ci --package-config network
$ bdep ci --build-config 'network/linux*-gcc*'

$ bdep ci --override \

$ bdep ci --override 'mytest-build-config:' \
  --package-config mytest

$ bdep ci --override 'build-auxiliary: *-postgresql_16'

Manifest overrides other than [*-]build-auxiliary[-*] override the entire value group that they belong to. The [*-]build-auxiliary[-*] values only override the matching values, which are expected to already be present in the package manifest. Currently, the following value groups/values can be overridden. The build-*email group is overridden by default as if by specifying an empty build email.

build-email build-{warning,error}-email
builds build-{include,exclude}
*-builds *-build-{include,exclude}
*-build-email *-build-{warning,error}-email


For the package configuration-specific build constraint, email, auxiliary, and custom bot public key overrides, the corresponding configuration must exist in the package manifest. In contrast, the package configuration override (*-build-config) adds a new configuration if it doesn't exist and updates the arguments of the existing configuration otherwise. In the former case, all the potential build constraint, email, auxiliary, and custom bot public key overrides for such a newly added configuration must follow the corresponding *-build-config override.

Note that the build constraints group values (both common and build package configuration-specific) are overridden hierarchically so that the [*-]build-{include,exclude} overrides don't affect the respective [*-]builds values.

Note also that the common and build package configuration-specific build constraints group value overrides are mutually exclusive. If the common build constraints are overridden, then all the configuration-specific constraints are removed. Otherwise, if any configuration-specific constraints are overridden, then for the remaining configurations the build constraints are reset to builds: none.

Similar to the build constraints groups, the common and build package configuration-specific custom bot public key value overrides are mutually exclusive. If the common build custom bot public keys are overridden, then all the configuration-specific custom bot public keys are removed. Otherwise, if any configuration-specific custom bot public keys are overridden, then for the remaining configurations the custom bot public keys are left unchanged.

Similar to the above, the common and build package configuration-specific build emails group value overrides are mutually exclusive. If the common build emails are overridden, then all the configuration-specific emails are removed. Otherwise, if any configuration-specific emails are overridden, then for the remaining configurations the build emails are reset to the empty values and the build warning and error emails are removed (which effectively disables email notifications for such configurations).

If supported by the CI service, a package can be tested interactively in a specific build configuration using the --interactive|-i option. In this mode the CI service provides the login information for the execution environment and pauses the testing at the specified breakpoint.

While the exact interpretation of the CI request depends on the specific service, normally, the CI server will respond with a reference that can be used to query the results. See Package CI (#ci) for details on the CI request handling.

If the --forward option is specified then the forwarded configurations are used instead of the default configurations. In particular, this means that in this mode the project doesn't need to be initialized and all that's required is for package's source directories to be configured to forward to an out of source build configuration (see b(1) for details on forwarded configurations). This, for example, can be used to submit packages that don't use the standard version.

Ci Options


Don't prompt for confirmation before submitting.

--interactive|-i cf[:bp]

Test the package interactively in the specified build configuration, pausing the execution at the specified breakpoint. The build configuration is a target configuration (tc), optionally for a specific package configuration (pc) and/or for a specific target (tg):

cf = [pc/]tc | pc/tc/tg

Refer to the --build-config option for details on the build configuration component semantics. Note that for interactive testing they should identify a single build configuration. Failed that, the test request will be aborted.

Valid breakpoint values are none (don't stop), error (stop after first error), warning (stop after first warning), as well as the CI service-specific step ids in which case the execution stops before performing the specified step (see bbot worker step ids (bbot#arch-worker)). If no breakpoint is specified, then error is assumed.

--server url

CI server to submit the request to.

--repository url

Remote repository URL for the project.

--override name:value

Package manifest value override. Repeat this option to override multiple values.

--overrides-file file

Read manifest value overrides from the specified manifest fragment file. Repeat this option to specify multiple override files.

--builds [pc/]class-expr

Shortcut for the following option:

--override [pc-]builds:class-expr

Repeat this option to specify multiple build target configuration classes.

--build-config pc/tc[/tg]

Shortcut for the following options sequence:

[--override pc-builds:all]
--override pc-build-include:tc[/tg]
--override pc-build-exclude:**

The first override is omitted from the above sequence if the pc-builds override is specified on the command line.

Repeat this option to specify multiple build configurations.

--target-config tc[/tg]

Shortcut for the following options sequence:

[--override builds:all]
--override build-include:tc[/tg]
--override build-exclude:**

The first override is omitted from the above sequence if the builds override is specified on the command line.

Repeat this option to specify multiple build target configurations.

--package-config pc

Shortcut for the following options sequence:

--override pc-builds:...
--override pc-build-include:...
--override pc-build-exclude:...

Where the override values are the build constraints for the specified build package configuration from the package manifest.

Repeat this option to specify multiple build package configurations.

--build-email email

Shortcut for the following option:

--override build-email:email

--simulate outcome

Simulate the specified outcome of the CI process without actually performing any externally visible actions (such as testing the packages or publishing the result). The commonly used outcome value is success. For other recognized outcomes refer to the CI service documentation.


Use the forwarded configuration for each package instead of the default configuration.


Use all build configurations.

--config|-c dir

Specify the build configuration as a directory.

--directory|-d dir

Assume project/package is in the specified directory rather than in the current working directory.

--config-name|-n name

Specify the build configuration as a name.

--config-id num

Specify the build configuration as an id.

Common Options

The common options are summarized below with a more detailed description available in bdep-common-options(1).


Print essential underlying commands being executed.


Print all underlying commands being executed.


Run quietly, only printing error messages.

--verbose level

Set the diagnostics verbosity to level between 0 and 6.

--stdout-format format

Representation format to use for printing to stdout.

--jobs|-j num

Number of jobs to perform in parallel.


Display progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc.


Suppress progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc.


Use color in diagnostics.


Don't use color in diagnostics.

--bpkg path

The package manager program to be used for build configuration management.

--bpkg-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the package manager program.

--build path

The build program to be used to build packages.

--build-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the build program.

--curl path

The curl program to be used for network operations.

--curl-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the curl program.

--pager path

The pager program to be used to show long text.

--pager-option opt

Additional option to be passed to the pager program.

--options-file file

Read additional options from file.

--default-options dir

The directory to load additional default options files from.


Don't load default options files.

Default Options Files

See bdep-default-options-files(1) for an overview of the default options files. For the ci command the search start directory is the project directory. The following options files are searched for in each directory and, if found, loaded in the order listed:


The following ci command options cannot be specified in the default options files:



Send bug reports to the mailing list.

Referenced By


June 2024 bdep 0.17.0