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backup-light - Man Page

backups up the active users $HOME directory


backup-light [option(s)]


Backup-light backups up the active users $HOME directory in eather .tar.bz2 or .tar.gz.  It is able to backup to not only the internal hard drive, but any external hard drives, and removable mediums such as a CD or DVD or USB device.  Backup-light also creates a md5sum of the backup archive and will only restore from a archive with a valid md5sum.



Saves the backup archive to an alternate directory/device.


Preforms an incremental backup.


Preforms a full backup.


Specifies a directory to be excluded from the backup.


Restores from a backup.


Recovers from a full backup then restores all the incremental backups up to the user specified point.


Creates a backup and burns it to a CD/DVD.


Restores from a multi disk (split) backup.


Prevents updating the timestamp if an incremental backup is done.


Shows the log containing dates and types of backups preformed


Prints the version and exit.


Shows the help message.



Preforms the backup with all default settings.

backup-light -o ~/backup

Preform the default backup but saves it to ~/backup instead of the default location.

backup-light -i

Preforms a incremental backup and saves it to the default location.

backup-light -f

Preforms a full backup and saves it to the default location.

backup-light -e Music

Excludes the directory called "Music" from the backup process.

backup-light -r

Restores from a backup.

backup-light -R

Prompts the user for an end date for the backup recoveroy.  Then restores from the newest full backup and any incremental backups done afterwards.

backup-light -d

Creates a backup and burns it to a CD/DVD.

backup-light -m

Restores from a multi disk (split) backup.

backup-light -n

Prevents the timestamp from being updated if doing a incremental backup.

backup-light -fd

Preforms a full backup and burns it to a CD/DVD.

backup-light -l

Shows the log containing the dates and types of backups preformed.

backup-light -v

Prints version info.

backup-light -h

Prints the help message


Please report any bugs at <http://code.google.com/p/backup-light/issues/list> or send an email or our mailing list <backup-light@googlegroups.com>.


Adam Jimerson <vendion@gmail.com>

Robert A. Kelly III <bluethegrappler@gmail.com>


Augest 2008 version 0.4