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atomic-reactor - Man Page


atomic-reactor [-h] [-q | -v | -V] {build,create-build-image,inside-build} ...



 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -q, --quiet
 -v, --verbose
 -V, --version         show program's version number and exit


atomic-reactor [Options] build

 This command enables you to build images. Currently, you can build images
 from git repo, local path or a json file with full build specification.
 There are several methods for performing the build: inside a build
 container using docker from host, inside a build container using new
 instance of docker, or within current environment.
 -h, --help  show this help message and exit


atomic-reactor [Options] build git

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 --image IMAGE         name under which the image will be accessible
 --uri URI             URI of the git repo
                       path to Dockerfile within git repo (default is ./)
 --source-registry REGISTRY
                       registry to pull base image from
                       allow connecting to source registry over plain http
 --target-registries [REGISTRY [REGISTRY ...]]
                       list of registries to push image to
                       allow connecting to target registries over plain http
                       don't pull or update base image specified in
 --build-image BUILD_IMAGE
                       name of build image to use (build image type has to
                       match method)
 --load-plugin [PLUGIN_FILE [PLUGIN_FILE ...]]
                       list of files where plugins live
 --method {hostdocker,privileged,here}
                       choose method for building image: 'hostdocker' mounts
                       socket inside privileged container to use docker from
                       host, 'privileged' runs separate docker instance
                       inside privileged container and 'here' executes build
                       in current environment
                       checkout this commit (default is master)

atomic-reactor [Options] build json

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 --build-image BUILD_IMAGE
                       name of build image to use (build image type has to
                       match method)
 --load-plugin [PLUGIN_FILE [PLUGIN_FILE ...]]
                       list of files where plugins live
 --method {hostdocker,privileged,here}
                       choose method for building image: 'hostdocker' mounts
                       socket inside privileged container to use docker from
                       host, 'privileged' runs separate docker instance
                       inside privileged container and 'here' executes build
                       in current environment
 --substitute [SUBSTITUTE [SUBSTITUTE ...]]
                       provide substitutions for json in form "foo.bar=spam"

atomic-reactor [Options] build path

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 --image IMAGE         name under which the image will be accessible
 --uri URI             URI of the directory with source (e.g.
                       "file:///foo/bar") or path (e.g. "/foo/bar"); path can
                       be relative
                       path to Dockerfile within given directory (default is
 --source-registry REGISTRY
                       registry to pull base image from
                       allow connecting to source registry over plain http
 --target-registries [REGISTRY [REGISTRY ...]]
                       list of registries to push image to
                       allow connecting to target registries over plain http
                       don't pull or update base image specified in
 --build-image BUILD_IMAGE
                       name of build image to use (build image type has to
                       match method)
 --load-plugin [PLUGIN_FILE [PLUGIN_FILE ...]]
                       list of files where plugins live
 --method {hostdocker,privileged,here}
                       choose method for building image: 'hostdocker' mounts
                       socket inside privileged container to use docker from
                       host, 'privileged' runs separate docker instance
                       inside privileged container and 'here' executes build
                       in current environment

atomic-reactor [Options] create-build-image

 Create build image; Atomic Reactor installs itself inside and is capable
 of building images within this image.
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 --reactor-latest      put latest Atomic Reactor inside (from public git)
 --reactor-remote-git REACTOR_REMOTE_GIT
                       URL to git repo with Atomic Reactor (has to contain
 --reactor-local-path REACTOR_LOCAL_PATH
                       path to directory with Atomic Reactor (has to contain
 --reactor-tarball-path REACTOR_TARBALL_PATH
                       path to distribution tarball with Atomic Reactor
 --use-cache           use cache to build image (may be faster, but not up to

atomic-reactor [Options] inside-build

 We do expect we are inside container, therefore we'll read build
 configuration from json at '/run/share/build.json'and when the build is
 done, results are written in that dir so Atomic Reactor from host may read
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 --input INPUT         input plugin name (determined automatically unless
 --input-arg INPUT_ARG
                       argument for input plugin (in form of 'key=value'),
                       see input plugins to know what arguments they accept
                       (can be specified multiple times)
                       don't pull or update base image specified in
 --substitute SUBSTITUTE
                       substitute values in build json (key=value, or


Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@redhat.com>, Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com>, Slavek Kabrda <slavek@redhat.com>, Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com>, Tomas Tomecek <ttomecek@redhat.com>

