args - Man Page

manipulate and output command arguments.


args [options] args...


This command is used to manipulate and echo command line arguments to standard out.  This can include adding quotes around each argument passed or a separator, or to output each argument on a separate line.  The program source also offers a basic example of how to use shell argument parsing and localization in ucommon.



Set a deliminator character, such as ',', to use between each argument when outputing arguments.


If argument is a directory, list directory contents as arguments.


If argument is a directory and a symlink, follow symlinks recursively.


Output each argument on a separate line.


Set a quote or special leading and trailing pair of characters to surround each argument with when output.  A typical use might be --quote=() to surround arguments in parenthesis.


If argument is a directory, recursively scan directory and any subdirectory contents as arguments.


Reverse order of arguments.


Outputs help screen for the user.


args was written by David Sugar <>.

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January 2010 GNU uCommon GNU Telephony