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anyconfig_cli - Man Page

manual page for anyconfig_cli 0.9.5


anyconfig_cli [Options...] CONF_PATH_OR_PATTERN_0 [CONF_PATH_OR_PATTERN_1 ..]



show program's version number and exit

-h,  --help

show this help message and exit

-L,  --list

List supported config types

-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT

Output file path

-I ITYPE, --itype=ITYPE

Select type of Input config files from ini, json, xml, yaml [Automatically detected by file ext]

-O OTYPE, --otype=OTYPE

Select type of Output config files from ini, json, xml, yaml and so on [Automatically detected by file ext]

-M MERGE, --merge=MERGE

Select strategy to merge multiple configs from replace, noreplace, merge_dicts, merge_dicts_and_lists [merge_dicts]

-A ARGS, --args=ARGS

Argument configs to override


Explicitly select type of argument to provide configs from ini, json, xml, yaml and so on. If this option is not set, original parser is used: 'K:V' will become {K: V}, 'K:V_0,V_1,..' will become {K: [V_0, V_1, ...]}, and 'K_0:V_0;K_1:V_1' will become {K_0: V_0, K_1: V_1} (where the tyep of K is str, type of V is one of Int, str, etc.


Specify JMESPath expression to query part of config, for example, if a config {'a': {'b': {'c': 0, 'd': [1, 2, 3]}}} '--query a.b.d[0]' gives 1 and '--query a.b' gives {'c': 0, 'd': [1, 2, 3]}. --get=GET Specify key path to get part of config, for example, if a config {'a': {'b': {'c': 0, 'd': 1}}} '--get a.b.c' gives 0 and '--get a.b' gives {'c': 0, 'd': 1}. --set=GET Specify key path to set (update) part of config, for example, '--set a.b.c=1' to a config {'a': {'b': {'c': 0, 'd': 1}}} gives {'a': {'b': {'c': 1, 'd': 1}}}.

-x,  --ignore-missing

Ignore missing input files

-T,  --template

Enable support to load jinja2 based template configuration files

-E,  --env

Load configuration defaults from environment values

-S SCHEMA, --schema=SCHEMA

Specify Schema file[s] path


Only validate input files and do not output. You must specify schema file with -S/--schema option.


Generate JSON schema for givne config file[s] and output it.

-s,  --silent

Silent or quiet mode

-q,  --quiet

Same as --silent option

-v,  --verbose

Verbose mode


List supported configuration types.

   anyconfig_cli --list

Load a YAML config /etc/xyz/conf.d/a.conf and dump parsed result to stdout in JSON format by specifying input and output formats explicitly.

   anyconfig_cli -I yaml -O json /etc/xyz/conf.d/a.conf

Similar to the previous example but inputs may be multiple files as the input is glob pattern.

   anyconfig_cli -I yaml '/etc/xyz/conf.d/*.conf' -o xyz.conf --otype json

Similar to the previous example but configuration specified w/ -A (--args) option added.

   anyconfig_cli '/etc/xyz/conf.d/*.json' -o xyz.yml --atype json -A '{"obsoletes": "sysdata", "conflicts": "sysdata-old"}'

Same as the previous example.

   anyconfig_cli '/etc/xyz/conf.d/*.json' -o xyz.yml -A obsoletes:sysdata;conflicts:sysdata-old

Load multiple JSON files with merge strategy 'noreplace'.

   anyconfig_cli -O json '/etc/foo.d/*.json' -M noreplace

Get the part of input configuration files.

   anyconfig_cli '/etc/foo.d/*.json' --get a.b.c

Set the part of input configuration files.

   anyconfig_cli '/etc/foo.d/*.json' --set a.b.c=1

Validate input configuration files with JSON schema.

   anyconfig_cli --validate -S foo.conf.schema.yml '/etc/foo.d/*.xml'

Generate JSON schema for input configuration files.

   anyconfig_cli --gen-schema '/etc/foo.d/*.xml' -o foo.conf.schema.yml

Load environment variables and output it as JSON data.

   anyconfig_cli --env -O json


  1. python-anyconfig (anyconfig_cli) home page
  2. python-anyconfig (anyconfig_cli) Online Doc


June 2018 anyconfig_cli 0.9.5