ansi2html - Man Page

ansi to HTML converter


ansi2html [-nwctl] <log >outfile


ansi2html will convert the ANSI log into an HTML page, converting ANSI color codes into appropriate tags.  All common colors and attributes are supported.


-n,  --no-header

Don't produce an HTML header.  This allows including the log into a web page you make some other way.  You are responsible for setting background color appropriately — to black or something dark in the default on-black mode, or to white/light when -w is used.  Fancy-schmancy background images are fine as long as they are dark (or light) enough.

-w,  --white

Make the background white.  This is contrary to most terminals but matches most webpages.  Text requested to be bolded (normally bright white) will be turned bold black, but explicit bright white will not be changed, becoming invisible (just like explicit black is invisible in the normal on-black mode), same as on real terminals (see -c).

-c,  --contrast

Forbid invisible text.  Whenever foreground color is same as background, it'll be turned halfway across the color space (so white and black become gray).  This is inaccurate wrt real terminals, and most web users already know how to mouse-highlight "spoiler" text, but can be useful if you process logs that assume different white-vs-black background than you.

-t,  --title text

Set the page title to the next argument.  Mutually exclusive with -n.

-l,  --no-wrap

Disable word-wrapping.  Like text terminals, ansi2html wraps text by default, which is contrary to the usual browser default for plain text.

--style text

Injects some text into the stylesheet, obviously doesn't make any sense with -n. Example: --style 'pre {font-family: Consolas}'


Most ANSI codes other than color codes are ignored; possibly causing misformatted output.  In general, anything unfit for a hardcopy terminal won't work.

See Also

ansi2txt(1), ttyrec2ansi(1), pipetty(1).

Referenced By

ansi2txt(1), pipetty(1), ttyrec2ansi(1).
