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Alibaba Cloud CLI


Alibaba Cloud Command Line Interface Version 3.0.125


aliyun <product> <operation> [--parameter1 value1 --parameter2 value2 ...]



use `--mode {AK|StsToken|RamRoleArn|EcsRamRole|RsaKeyPair|RamRoleArnWithRoleName}` to assign authenticate mode


use `--profile <profileName>` to select profile


use `--language [en|zh]` to assign language


use `--region <regionId>` to assign region


use `--config-path` to specify the configuration file path


use `--access-key-id <AccessKeyId>` to assign AccessKeyId, required in AK/StsToken/RamRoleArn mode


use `--access-key-secret <AccessKeySecret>` to assign AccessKeySecret


use `--sts-token <StsToken>` to assign StsToken


use `--sts-region <StsRegion>` to assign StsRegion


use `--ram-role-name <RamRoleName>` to assign RamRoleName


use `--ram-role-arn <RamRoleArn>` to assign RamRoleArn


use `--role-session-name <RoleSessionName>` to assign RoleSessionName


use `--private-key <PrivateKey>` to assign RSA PrivateKey


use `--key-pair-name <KeyPairName>` to assign KeyPairName


use `--read-timeout <seconds>` to set I/O timeout(seconds)


use `--connect-timeout <seconds>` to set connect timeout(seconds)


use `--retry-count <count>` to set retry count

--skip-secure-verify use `--skip-secure-verify` to skip https certification validate [Not recommended]


use `--expired-seconds <seconds>` to specify expiration time


use `--process-command <ProcessCommand>` to specify external program execution command


use `--secure` to force https


use `--force` to skip api and parameters check


use `--endpoint <endpoint>` to assign endpoint


use `--version <YYYY-MM-DD>` to assign product api version


use `--header X-foo=bar` to add custom HTTP header, repeatable


use `--body $(cat foo.json)` to assign http body in RESTful call


use `--pager` to merge pages for pageable APIs


use `--output cols=Field1,Field2 [rows=jmesPath]` to print output as table


use `--waiter expr=<jmesPath> to=<value>` to pull api until result equal to expected value


add `--dryrun` to validate and print request without running.


add `--quiet` to hide normal output


print help


aliyun ecs DescribeRegions

[0m Products: [0m[0;36m  arms               Application Real-Time Monitoring Service [0m[0;36m  actiontrail        Action Trail [0m[0;36m  agency             agency [0m[0;36m  alidns             Alibaba Cloud DNS [0m[0;36m  batchcompute       BatchCompute [0m[0;36m  bssopenapi         bssopenapi [0m[0;36m  ccc                cloud call center [0m[0;36m  cs                 Container Service [0m[0;36m  csb                Cloud Service Bus [0m[0;36m  cdn                Alibaba Cloud CDN [0m[0;36m  cds                CodePipeline [0m[0;36m  chatbot            BeeBot [0m[0;36m  cloudapi           API Gateway [0m[0;36m  cloudphoto         Cloud Photos [0m[0;36m  cloudauth          ID Verification [0m[0;36m  cms                Cloud Monitor [0m[0;36m  dds                ApsaraDB for MongoDB [0m[0;36m  dm                 Direct Mail [0m[0;36m  domain             domain [0m[0;36m  domain-intl        domain [0m[0;36m  drds               Distributed Relational Database Service [0m[0;36m  eci                Elastic Container Instances [0m[0;36m  ecs                Elastic Compute Service [0m[0;36m  edas               Enterprise Distributed Application Service [0m[0;36m  emr                E-MapReduce [0m[0;36m  ess                Auto Scaling [0m[0;36m  green              Alibaba Content Security Service [0m[0;36m  hpc                Alibaba Cloud HPC [0m[0;36m  httpdns            HttpDNS [0m[0;36m  itaas              Cloud Display [0m[0;36m  iot                Alibaba Cloud IoT [0m[0;36m  kms                Key Management Service [0m[0;36m  mts                ApsaraVideo for Media Processing [0m[0;36m  nas                Network Attached Storage [0m[0;36m  ons                Message Queue [0m[0;36m  ots                Table Store [0m[0;36m  push               Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push [0m[0;36m  qualitycheck       Smart Conversation Analysis [0m[0;36m  r-kvstore          ApsaraDB for Redis [0m[0;36m  ros                Resource Orchestration Service [0m[0;36m  ram                Resource Access Management [0m[0;36m  rds                ApsaraDB for RDS [0m[0;36m  resourcemanager    Resource Management [0m[0;36m  sas-api            Situation Awareness Service [0m[0;36m  slb                Server Load Balancer [0m[0;36m  sts                Resource Access Management [0m[0;36m  vpc                Virtual Private Cloud [0m[0;36m  aegis              Server Guard [0m[0;36m  cloudwf            CloudAP [0m[0;36m  cr                 Container Registry [0m[0;36m  elasticsearch      elasticsearch [0m[0;36m  facebody           Visual Intelligence API [0m[0;36m  fnf                FunctionFlow [0m[0;36m  goodstech          Visual Intelligence API [0m[0;36m  imageaudit         Visual Intelligence API [0m[0;36m  imageenhan         Visual Intelligence API [0m[0;36m  imagerecog         Visual Intelligence API [0m[0;36m  imageseg           Visual Intelligence API [0m[0;36m  jaq                Mobile Security [0m[0;36m  live               ApsaraVideo for Live [0m[0;36m  objectdet          Visual Intelligence API [0m[0;36m  ocr                Visual Intelligence API [0m[0;36m  oos                Operation Orchestration Service [0m[0;36m  polardb            ApsaraDB for POLARDB [0m[0;36m  sae                Serverless App Engine [0m[0;36m  smc                Server Migration Center [0m[0;36m  vod                ApsaraVideo for VOD [0m[0;36m  waf-openapi        Web Application Firewall [0m[0;36m  ens                Edge Node Service [0m[0;36m  ledgerdb           LedgerDB [0m[0;36m  pvtz               PrivateZone [0m[0;36m  servicemesh        Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh [0m[0;36m  alikafka           MQ for Kafka [0m[0;36m  cas                SSL Service [0m[0;36m  cbn                Cloud Enterprise Network [0m[0;36m  dcdn               Dynamic Route for CDN [0m[0;36m  ddoscoo            BGP-line Anti-DDoS Pro [0m[0;36m  ddospro            Anti-DDoS Pro [0m[0;36m  dms-enterprise     Data Management [0m[0;36m  dts                Data Transmission [0m[0;36m  gpdb               AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL [0m[0;36m  hbase              ApsaraDB for HBase [0m[0;36m  petadata           HybridDB for MySQL [0m[0;36m  scdn               scdn [0m[0;36m  sls                Log Service [0m[0;36m  yundun-bastionhost bastionhost [0m[0;36m  config             CloudConfig [0m[0;36m  ims                RAM Identity Management Service [0m[0;36m  sales [0m[0;36m  ga                 Global Acceleration [0m[0;36m  fc-open            Function Compute [0m[0;36m  adb                AnalyticDB for MySQL [0m[0;36m  sas                Security Center [0m[0;36m  alb                Application Load Balancer [0m[0;36m  quotas             Quotas [0m[0;36m  cloudsso           RAM-CloudSSO [0m[0;36m  ehpc               Elastic High Performance Computing [0m[0;36m  privatelink        Private Link [0m[0;36m  adcp               Alibaba Cloud Distributed Cloud Container Platform [0m[0;36m  vpcpeer            VpcPeer [0m Use `aliyun --help` for more information.


January 2024 aliyun 3.0.125