AirInvServer - Man Page

ZeroMQ-based server binary exposing the AirInv library as a service


AirInvServer [--prefix] [-v|--version] [-h|--help] [-b|--builtin] [-f|--for_schedule] [-i|--inventory <path-to-inventory-input-file>] [-s|--schedule <path-to-schedule-input-file>] [-o|--ond <path-to-ond-input-file>] [-y|--yield <path-to-yield-input-file>] [-t|--protocol <server network protocol>] [-a|--address <server host address>] [-p|--port <server host port>] [-l|--log <path-to-output-log-file>]


AirInvServer is a small program wrapping the AirInv library, so as to expose it as a ZeroMQ-based server. That server listens to and answers with JSON-formatted messages. Typically, a Django-based Web application will use those AirInv services, so as to expose to the end user a clean and light user interface.

AirInvServer accepts the following options:

Show the AirInv installation prefix.

-v, --version
Print the currently installed version of AirInv on the standard output.

-h, --help
Produce that message and show usage.

-b, --builtin
The sample BOM tree can be either built-in or parsed from an input file. That latter must then be given with either the -i/--inventory option or the set of -s/--schedule, -o/--ond options.

-f, --for_schedule
The BOM tree should be built from a schedule file (instead of from an inventory dump).

-i, --inventory <path-to-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CSV) input file specifying the inventory (flight-date) details.

-s, --schedule <path-to-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CSV) input file specifying the network/schedule (flight-period) details.

-o, --ond <path-to-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CSV) input file specifying the O&D (origin/destination) details.

-y, --yield <path-to-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CSV) input file specifying the yield rule details.

-t, --protocol <server network protocol>
Server protocol

-a, --address <server host address>
Server address

-p, --port <server host port>
Server port

-l, --log <path-to-output-log-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the output log file.

See the output of the `AirInv --help' command for default options.

See Also

airinv(1), AirInvClient(1), airinv-config(1), airinv-library(3)


Please report any bugs to

Referenced By

airinv(1), AirInvClient(1), airinv-config(1), airinv-library(3), airinv_parseInventory(1).