Package texlive-dvipdfmx

An extended version of dvipdfm

Dvipdfmx (formerly dvipdfm-cjk) is a development of dvipdfm
created to support multi-byte character encodings and large
character sets for East Asian languages. Dvipdfmx, if "called"
with the name dvipdfm, operates in a "dvipdfm compatibility"
mode, so that users of the both packages need only keep one
executable. A secondary design goal is to support as many "PDF"
features as does pdfTeX.

Version: svn66203

General Commands

dvipdfm alias for dvipdfmx
dvipdfmx produce PDF files directly from DVI files
dvipdft create thumbnail images for use with dvipdfm
ebb alias for extractbb
extractbb extract bounding box information from graphics files
xdvipdfmx alias for dvipdfmx