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crio-status - Man Page

A tool for CRI-O status retrieval [Deprecation Warning: This command has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Please use crio status instead.]






Global Options

--help,  -h
: show help

--socket, -s="": absolute path to the unix socket (default: "/var/run/crio/crio.sock")

--version,  -v
: print the version


complete, completion

Generate bash, fish or zsh completions.


Generate the man page documentation.

markdown, md

Generate the markdown documentation.

--help, -h: show help

help, h

Shows a list of commands or help for one command

config, c

Show the configuration of CRI-O as a TOML string.

containers, container, cs, s

Display detailed information about the provided container ID.

--id, -i="": the container ID

info, i

Retrieve generic information about CRI-O, such as the cgroup and storage driver.

help, h

Shows a list of commands or help for one command


crio.conf (/etc/crio/crio.conf)
 cri-o configuration file for all of the available command-line options for
 the crio(8) program, but in a TOML format that can be more easily modified
 and versioned.

policy.json (/etc/containers/policy.json)
 Signature verification policy files are used to specify policy, e.g. trusted
 keys, applicable when deciding whether to accept an image, or individual
 signatures of that image, as valid.

registries.conf (/etc/containers/registries.conf)
 Registry configuration file specifies registries which are consulted when
 completing image names that do not include a registry or domain portion.

storage.conf (/etc/containers/storage.conf)
 Storage configuration file specifies all of the available container storage
 options for tools using shared container storage.

See Also

crio.conf(5), crio.conf.d(5), oci-hooks(5), policy.json(5), registries.conf(5), storage.conf(5)