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lo.h - Man Page



lo_address lo_address_new (const char *host, const char *port)
Declare an OSC destination, given IP address and port number. Same as lo_address_new_with_proto(), but using UDP.
lo_address lo_address_new_with_proto (int proto, const char *host, const char *port)
Declare an OSC destination, given IP address and port number, specifying protocol.
lo_address lo_address_new_from_url (const char *url)
Create a lo_address object from an OSC URL.
void lo_address_free (lo_address t)
Free the memory used by the lo_address object.
void lo_address_set_ttl (lo_address t, int ttl)
Set the Time-to-Live value for a given target address.
int lo_address_get_ttl (lo_address t)
Get the Time-to-Live value for a given target address.
int lo_send (lo_address targ, const char *path, const char *type,...)
Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified.
int lo_send_from (lo_address targ, lo_server from, lo_timetag ts, const char *path, const char *type,...)
Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified, from the same socket as the specified server.
int lo_send_timestamped (lo_address targ, lo_timetag ts, const char *path, const char *type,...)
Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified, scheduled to be dispatch at some time in the future.
int lo_address_errno (lo_address a)
Return the error number from the last failed lo_send() or lo_address_new() call.
const char * lo_address_errstr (lo_address a)
Return the error string from the last failed lo_send() or lo_address_new() call.
lo_blob lo_blob_new (int32_t size, const void *data)
Create a new OSC blob type.
void lo_blob_free (lo_blob b)
Free the memory taken by a blob.
uint32_t lo_blob_datasize (lo_blob b)
Return the amount of valid data in a lo_blob object.
void * lo_blob_dataptr (lo_blob b)
Return a pointer to the start of the blob data to allow contents to be changed.
void lo_version (char *verstr, int verstr_size, int *major, int *minor, char *extra, int extra_size, int *lt_major, int *lt_minor, int *lt_bug)
Get information on the version of liblo current in use.

Detailed Description

The liblo main headerfile and high-level API functions.

Definition in file lo.h.


Generated automatically by Doxygen for liblo from the source code.


Version 0.32 liblo