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globus_rsl.h - Man Page

Globus RSL Parsing.


#include 'globus_module.h'
#include 'globus_list.h'
#include 'globus_symboltable.h'
#include 'globus_hashtable.h'


int globus_rsl_is_relation (globus_rsl_t *ast)
RSL relation test.
int globus_rsl_is_boolean (globus_rsl_t *ast)
RSL boolean test.
int globus_rsl_is_relation_eq (globus_rsl_t *ast)
RSL equality operation test.
int globus_rsl_is_relation_lessthan (globus_rsl_t *ast)
RSL less than operation test.
int globus_rsl_is_relation_attribute_equal (globus_rsl_t *ast, char *attribute)
RSL attribute name test.
int globus_rsl_is_boolean_and (globus_rsl_t *ast)
RSL boolean and test.
int globus_rsl_is_boolean_or (globus_rsl_t *ast)
RSL boolean or test.
int globus_rsl_is_boolean_multi (globus_rsl_t *ast)
RSL boolean multi test.
int globus_rsl_value_is_literal (globus_rsl_value_t *ast)
RSL literal string test.
int globus_rsl_value_is_sequence (globus_rsl_value_t *ast)
RSL value sequence test.
int globus_rsl_value_is_variable (globus_rsl_value_t *ast)
RSL value variable test.
int globus_rsl_value_is_concatenation (globus_rsl_value_t *ast)
RSL value concatenation test.
globus_rsl_t * globus_rsl_make_boolean (int my_operator, globus_list_t *children)
RSL boolean constructor.
globus_rsl_t * globus_rsl_make_relation (int my_operator, char *attributename, globus_rsl_value_t *value_sequence)
RSL relation constructor.
globus_rsl_value_t * globus_rsl_value_make_literal (char *string)
RSL literal constructor.
globus_rsl_value_t * globus_rsl_value_make_sequence (globus_list_t *value_list)
RSL value sequence constructor.
globus_rsl_value_t * globus_rsl_value_make_variable (globus_rsl_value_t *sequence)
RSL variable reference constructor.
globus_rsl_value_t * globus_rsl_value_make_concatenation (globus_rsl_value_t *left_value, globus_rsl_value_t *right_value)
RSL concatenation constructor.
globus_rsl_t * globus_rsl_copy_recursive (globus_rsl_t *globus_rsl_ptr)
Create a deep copy of an RSL syntax tree.
globus_rsl_value_t * globus_rsl_value_copy_recursive (globus_rsl_value_t *globus_rsl_value_ptr)
Create a deep copy of an RSL value.
int globus_rsl_boolean_get_operator (globus_rsl_t *ast_node)
Get the RSL operator used in a boolean RSL composition.
globus_list_t * globus_rsl_boolean_get_operand_list (globus_rsl_t *ast_node)
Get the RSL operand list from a boolean RSL composition.
globus_list_t ** globus_rsl_boolean_get_operand_list_ref (globus_rsl_t *boolean_node)
Get a reference to the RSL operand list from a boolean RSL composition.
char * globus_rsl_relation_get_attribute (globus_rsl_t *ast_node)
Get an RSL relation attribute name.
int globus_rsl_relation_get_operator (globus_rsl_t *ast_node)
Get an RSL relation operator.
globus_rsl_value_t * globus_rsl_relation_get_value_sequence (globus_rsl_t *ast_node)
Get the value of an RSL relation.
globus_rsl_value_t * globus_rsl_relation_get_single_value (globus_rsl_t *ast_node)
Get the single value of an RSL relation.
char * globus_rsl_value_literal_get_string (globus_rsl_value_t *literal_node)
Get the string value of an RSL literal.
globus_list_t * globus_rsl_value_sequence_get_value_list (globus_rsl_value_t *sequence_node)
Get the value list from an RSL value sequence.
globus_rsl_value_t * globus_rsl_value_variable_get_sequence (globus_rsl_value_t *variable_node)
Get the value sequence from an RSL variable reference.
char * globus_rsl_value_variable_get_name (globus_rsl_value_t *variable_node)
Get the name of an RSL variable reference.
char * globus_rsl_value_variable_get_default (globus_rsl_value_t *variable_node)
Get the default value of an RSL variable reference.
globus_rsl_value_t * globus_rsl_value_concatenation_get_left (globus_rsl_value_t *concatenation_node)
Get the left side of a concatenation value.
globus_rsl_value_t * globus_rsl_value_concatenation_get_right (globus_rsl_value_t *concatenation_node)
Get the right side of a concatenation value.
globus_list_t ** globus_rsl_value_sequence_get_list_ref (globus_rsl_value_t *sequence_node)
Get a reference to the list of values in a sequence.
int globus_rsl_value_concatenation_set_left (globus_rsl_value_t *concatenate_node, globus_rsl_value_t *new_left_node)
Set the left-hand value of a concatenation.
int globus_rsl_value_concatenation_set_right (globus_rsl_value_t *concatenate_node, globus_rsl_value_t *new_right_node)
Set the right-hand value of a concatenation.
int globus_rsl_value_eval (globus_rsl_value_t *ast_node, globus_symboltable_t *symbol_table, char **string_value, int rsl_substitute_flag)
Evaluate RSL substitions in an RSL value node.
int globus_rsl_eval (globus_rsl_t *ast_node, globus_symboltable_t *symbol_table)
Evaluate an RSL syntax tree.
int globus_rsl_value_free (globus_rsl_value_t *val)
Free an RSL value node.
int globus_rsl_free (globus_rsl_t *ast_node)
Free an RSL syntax tree node.
int globus_rsl_value_free_recursive (globus_rsl_value_t *globus_rsl_value_ptr)
Free an RSL value and all its child nodes.
int globus_rsl_free_recursive (globus_rsl_t *ast_node)
Free an RSL syntax tree and all its child nodes.
int globus_rsl_value_print_recursive (globus_rsl_value_t *globus_rsl_value_ptr)
Print the value of a globus_rsl_value_t to standard output.
int globus_rsl_print_recursive (globus_rsl_t *ast_node)
Print the value of an RSL syntax tree to standard output.
int globus_rsl_value_variable_get_size (globus_rsl_value_t *variable_node)
Get the size of the value list within an RSL variable reference node.
globus_list_t * globus_list_copy_reverse (globus_list_t *orig)
Create a reverse-order copy of a list.
int globus_rsl_value_list_literal_replace (globus_list_t *value_list, char *string_value)
Replace the first value in a value list with a literal.
int globus_rsl_value_list_param_get (globus_list_t *ast_node_list, int required_type, char ***value, int *value_ctr)
Get the values of an RSL value list.
int globus_rsl_param_get (globus_rsl_t *ast_node, int required_type, char *param, char ***values)
Get the value strings for an RSL attribute.
globus_list_t * globus_rsl_param_get_values (globus_rsl_t *ast_node, char *param)
Get the list of values for an RSL attribute.
globus_rsl_t * globus_rsl_parse (char *rsl_spec)
Parse an RSL string.
char * globus_rsl_unparse (globus_rsl_t *rsl_spec)
Convert an RSL parse tree to a string.
char * globus_rsl_value_unparse (globus_rsl_value_t *rsl_value)
Convert an RSL value pointer to a string.

Detailed Description

Globus RSL Parsing.

Function Documentation

globus_rsl_t * globus_rsl_parse (char * buf)

Parse an RSL string. The globus_rsl_parse() function parses the string pointed to by the buf parameter into an RSL syntax tree. The caller is responsible for freeing that tree by calling globus_rsl_free_recursive().


buf A NULL-terminated string that contains an RSL relation or boolean composition.


Upon success, the globus_rsl_parse() function returns the parse tree generated by processing its input. If an error occurs, globus_rsl_parse() returns NULL.


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Referenced By

The man page globus_rsl_parse(3) is an alias of globus_rsl.h(3).

Version 11.4 globus_rsl