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lupdate - Man Page

update Qt Linguist translation files


lupdate [ options ] project-file
lupdate [ options ] source-files -ts ts-files


This page documents the Qt Linguist Update tool for the Qt GUI toolkit. Lupdate reads a qmake/tmake project file (.pro file), finds the translatable strings in the specified source, header and interface files, and updates the translation files (.ts files) specified in it. The translation files are given to the translator who uses Qt Linguist to read the files and insert the translations.

The .ts file format is a simple human-readable XML format that can be used with version control systems if required.



Display the usage and exit.


Drop all obsolete strings.


Explain what is being done.


Display the version of lupdate and exit.


Here is an example .pro file that can be given to lupdate:

HEADERS         = funnydialog.h \
SOURCES         = funnydialog.cpp \
                  main.cpp \
FORMS           = fancybox.ui
TRANSLATIONS    = gnomovision_dk.ts \
                  gnomovision_fi.ts \
                  gnomovision_no.ts \

When running lupdate on this project file, the translatable strings in all the files listed in the HEADERS, SOURCES and FORMS entries will be put in the translation files listed in the TRANSLATIONS entry. Previous translations will be reused as far as possible, and translated strings that have vanished from the source files are marked obsolete.

Lupdate can also be invoked with a list of C++ source files, .ui files and .ts files:

lupdate *.cpp *.h *.ui -ts gnomovision_dk.ts

See Also

lrelease(1) and http://doc.trolltech.com/i18n.html

Referenced By


18 October 2001 Trolltech AS