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dotnet-nuget-sign - Man Page

Signs all the NuGet packages matching the first argument with a certificate.

dotnet nuget sign

This article applies to: ✔️ .NET 6 SDK and later versions


dotnet nuget sign [<package-path(s)>]
    [--certificate-path <PATH>]
    [--certificate-store-name <STORENAME>]
    [--certificate-store-location <STORELOCATION>]
    [--certificate-subject-name <SUBJECTNAME>]
    [--certificate-fingerprint <FINGERPRINT>]
    [--certificate-password <PASSWORD>]
    [--hash-algorithm <HASHALGORITHM>]
    [-o|--output <OUTPUT DIRECTORY>]
    [--timestamp-hash-algorithm <HASHALGORITHM>]
    [--timestamper <TIMESTAMPINGSERVER>]
    [-v|--verbosity <LEVEL>]

dotnet nuget sign -h|--help


The dotnet nuget sign command signs all the packages matching the first argument with a certificate. The certificate with the private key can be obtained from a file or from a certificate installed in a certificate store by providing a subject name or a SHA-1 fingerprint.

This command requires a certificate root store that is valid for both code signing and timestamping. Also, this command may not be supported on some combinations of operating system and .NET SDK. For more information, see NuGet signed package verification.





2023-10-25 .NET Documentation